Mr PoopyButthole
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


I wish I remembered the details, but I read a couple years ago about new batteries using the same sort of principal.

It was being studied as a way to handle a specific part of radioactive byproduct from nuclear power.

You sandwich the tiny radioactive bit in materials to generate a charge, and the whole thing is encased in conductive man-made diamond.

A battery the size of a half dollar coin could generate roughly a watt of power for, ostensibly, up to hundreds of years.

The big seller beyond its lifespan is that the diamond is dense enough to shield the tiny amount of radiation inside.

Incredible potential that probably wont be realized in consumer goods for decades. Just think about never having to change the battery in a remote ever again. Or even a lot of wireless smart home sensors and devices.

A shocking amount of things take very little power. Air tags that never die. E-book readers. You could make super dim puck LEDs that are always on and can go anywhere for illuminating pathways.

You could never scale it much in size/output because the diamond encasing would become disproportionately heavy and expensive, but for anything 1.5 Watts and less, and possibly up to 3 Watts or so, could be totally feasible.

What’s funny is that this could only help if just one or two people use it in a given meeting. But if 4/6 people were to use it, then most of the meeting’s purpose is gone, and the notes are about nothing.

I feel like these LLM transcription summaries are better for quick reviewing of info.

The real dream is that when a boss has a long shpeil to dump on everyone, they could just ramble on to a conference room of bots and then it turns their whole “talk” into the paragraph email it should have been.

I 100% recommend TWIT, best tech podcast I listen to.

I usually listed at 1.2x speed with gap skipping on, because they can talk a bit slow.

Really great for weekly overviews of tech news, and excellent guests.