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Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


But don’t worry, there’s false equivalence because in one day Hamas killed a few hundred children so the tens of thousands now are totally justified and will be until none are left. /S

Some could consider it a mental disorder.

Compared to an autoimmune disease that attacks organs and glands, I’d think the autoimmune patient should be top of the list. Probably good that I’m not on death panels though.

I’m quite torn on this issue, my sister donated her kidneys and liver when she died. On one hand people who need an organ, need an organ but on the other hand deceased persons organs are so rare that they should go to those with liver diseases they have no medical control over before those who are sick from an avoidable disorder.

I don’t like to think of my sister’s liver going to someone who would abuse it over someone who just happen to have a genetic liver issue. She lived a life too short bringing joy and education to many children, her final act saving others would be soured by someone wasting it.

IBM machines were used to tabulate the census used to track the Jewish people in Germany before the war and during the Holocaust, they tracked and counted everything happening in the concentration camps on IBM punch cards.

Look how far computer systems have come. Now Israel used an AI system and cell phone tracking to try to wipe out entire families.

My sister has hundreds of YouTube videos she used to help her students learn between music lessons. It will be two years soon since she died, I haven’t been able to watch even one.

I like to remember her in my mind, it hurts less than seeing her when she was alive.

They are talking about computer things, that’s about how familiar I am with whatever they are talking about.

If there are no paid employees then there is no overlap.

Zorg did mass layoffs to hurt the economy but help himself and his bottom line. Musk will likely hurt his company since he fired a whole team that was overseeing construction, purchasing, real estate agreements. Now no one is left who knows what is going on.

The accused left the service the day before the meeting about not raping your underlings.

Too bad, I feel like the rapist really could have taken something from a meeting like that, maybe a pair of handcuffs and an extended vacation in Awaiting trial.

It’s too bad that killing a commander along with killing 100 civilians probably net increases the amount of fighters because of innocent people killed in the indiscriminate bombings and their surviving family members.

Had a guy leave work in BC a few weeks back. He was going back to N.S. after 19 years working at our work and many years in other places since leaving home.

He finally went home now that one of his parents died and left him property. He can afford to retire there now.

Yeah that is really unfortunate. I just sold my house last week with Keller Williams. If I had heard about something like this before I signed my paperwork I would have dropped them like a hot rock.

Ilan-Reuben Abramov, 27, of Vaughan, has been charged wth one count each of possess weapons dangerous to the public, assault with a weapon, and mischief, and two counts of assault.

I have had both a cold water one and a dual temp bidet. By the time the water heated up I’m clean so I decided not to even bother hooking the hot water up.

Those who want to spread the good news about cold water spraying on your dirty rosebud would give a shit. At least they would like to tell you about the life changing bidet.

Calibre for my Kobo, Librera FD on my phone.