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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2023


I seem to be getting along fine so far. Never asked before making a move, and I’ve never been asked by someone making a move. Would’ve rather ruined the mood. That’s how real life works. You feel things out, most of the time you get it right and have a fun evening, sometimes you get it wrong and make a wrong judgement call. Then you apologize and move on. I’ve been on both sides of the experience and it’s no big deal for anyone involved. Certainly no need to ruin anyones life over it.

Nonsense like this is the reason why more and more people stay single their entire life and avoid all human interaction. Social media has an extremely twisted view of how human interaction works, and expects people to at all times be able to judge exactly how the other person feels about things. Zero nuance involved.

You don’t know me, you have no idea what I’m like in real life, yet you believe you can judge my character based on just a couple of comments. That’s exactly my problem with these things. Extreme opinions without context. Let me share an excellent comment I had saved from a couple months ago, from a very similar situation concerning Vince McMahon (which, by the way, has been all but forgotten in the public consciousness already, as these things go):

It’s always pretty unfair and ridiculous, that people you have never even met somehow expect you to condemn an actual important person in your life over allegations that they, most of the time, are barely even familiar with themselves.

Just look at how many people ITT are seriously parroting Bixenspan-tier opinions about McMahon being a legitimate serial rapist, etc. when the only knowledge they have on the subject is something they read online……. or even more likely, an opinion they read from someone who read something about it online.

If you’re ready to say that you know more about the character of a man you’ve never met than a guy that’s worked with him for decades you should really start rethinking your weird parasocial relationships with tv characters.

Unfortunately none of this conversation even matters.

If giving someone a kiss makes you a sex pest then I guess you can call me one too.

I’ve done that plenty of times when going out. It’s been done to me plenty of times as well. That’s how I got my current girlfriend. This idea that you always need to first get explicit permission before making a move is not how real life works.

Besides, he’s said he asked beforehand. Who are we to judge what really happened? I have no clue.

I’ll stand by my opinion that a kiss should not nearly be serious enough to ruin someones life.

FIFA only does that because of public pressure, or else they would’ve done so a week ago.

Well, agree to disagree. I think that’s way too harsh and unfair. Too black and white.

Right, people should never defend themselves and just go with what popular opinion demands of them. Because social media is always right about such things.

I’m saying I believe they can figure it out amongst themselves without massive international attention. Social media has this tendency to blow things way out of proportion despite not even knowing any of the context. I don’t know what the fair resolution would be, but it seems odd to me that this mans life should be ruined over a kiss.

I’m pretty certain he has already publicly apologized though. Not to mention that we have no clue about their private interactions.

Again, this doesn’t seem like something that requires international attention. I believe the two of them could figure it out themselves just fine.

That’s in response to the calls for resignation. He just wants to keep his job.

I’ve been touched in an inappropriate place when I didn’t want to be more than once. I just said I didn’t appreciate it, the person touching me apologized and that was it. I think it’s absolute insanity to demand someones life to be ruined over something like that. People simply make bad judgement calls sometimes.

From an outside perspective this whole thing seems to be blown way out of proportion. It’s a dumb mistake, apologize and move on? Why does this need to be world news, require government involvement and cost multiple people’s careers?

It differs, on some games it doesn’t work or still takes a long time. For those programs I like to use SuperF4, which kills the process when you press ctrl+alt+f4.