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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2023


“An ex-Netflix engineer’s take on piracy; in a YouTube drama near you”

It’s still like that with programming languages like Go and Rust. Job offers are exclusively for senior staff engineers with 5 years of language-specific experience.

That only-one-ignore-without-premium thing is really asshole design, though

Put your Git host’s runners on them and you now have free-ish CI minutes!

Yeah, the discovery process is shite on IPFS. You kinda have to cheat it to get it to work with something like .

Idk if it’s inefficient with large data, but it’s inefficient with compressed storage, as it does block-level deduplication, which is very cool.

Usage: ./malware [OPTIONS]

  -h, --help            Display this help message and exit.
  -i, --infect          Infect target system with payload.
  -s, --spread          Spread malware to vulnerable hosts.
  -c, --configure       Configure malware settings interactively.
  -o, --output [FILE]   Save log output to a file.
  -q, --quiet           Quiet mode - suppress non-critical output.

Advanced Options:
  -a, --activate [CODE] Activate advanced features with code.
  -b, --backdoor [PORT] Open backdoor on specified port.
  -m, --mutate          Evade detection by mutating code.

  Malware toolkit for educational purposes only.
  Use responsibly on authorized systems.

  ./malware -i                  Infect local system with default payload.
  ./malware -i -s               Infect and spread to other systems.
  ./malware -a ACTCODE -b 1337  Activate advanced features and open backdoor.
  ./malware -q -o output.log    Run quietly, save logs to 'output.log'.

Except that you should use Prettier for formatting instead of ESLint. That said, semicolons are useless noise

Should’ve written the malware in Go, smh

Don’t forget site: in your query

Ok, thank you for your time.

GitHub’s actions are so good once it clicks and you understand them. On GitLab, you start from a docker image, so it’s harder to setup some things but easier for others. If you are very good at docker and don’t mind making your own images just for CI purposes, then go ahead.

Ideally, you should just try them both. You can mirror a project between the two and setup the CI at both places.

You can also use GitHub as a mirror to make your project more discoverable

It did, but the interface is still dogshit for new users and it’s impossible to know how to access a project’s page or its download page. When I started using GitHub, I didn’t even realize that SourceForge was a git hub for a fucking while, yet I was still downloading stuff from there.

Shame, I was considering using them since the idea of having an instance with no community creation to save on bandwidth was an interesting concept and I needed to get out of lemmy.world because of its stability issues