>One idea for economic renewal should be tossed aside as futile: removing [so-called interprovincial trade barriers](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-internal-trade-trump-tariffs-1.7448754). This is a false solution aimed at deregulation and boosting corporate profits, rather than securing new investment and protecting jobs in this country.
>What business labels "trade barriers" are often government protections for nascent local industries and manufacturers, and safeguards for workers and consumers. As studies [point out](https://www2.deloitte.com/ca/en/pages/finance/articles/case-liberalizing-interprovincial-trade-canada.html), the costs of mutual recognition of public protection and licensing requirements are likely to fall disproportionately on workers. We ought to pull together for the fight ahead, not pick fights with unions.
>In a [recent statement](https://cupe.ca/cupe-calls-out-traitors-danielle-smith-and-kevin-oleary), CUPE National President Mark Hancock bluntly accuses Danielle Smith and Kevin O'Leary of being "traitors" to Canada:
>>"Danielle Smith and Kevin O'Leary are traitors to Canada in the simplest sense of the word. They're happy to sell out Albertan workers and Canadian workers as long as it means keeping the bonus cheques rolling for their CEO friends.
>>This isn't the first time Danielle Smith has turned coat and crossed the floor, but as we saw in 2014, Danielle Smith isn't exactly an expert at picking the winning side.
>>Meanwhile, Pierre Poilievre has been quiet as a church mouse when it comes to Mr. Trump's attacks on Canada and Canadian workers. Does Mr. Poilievre serve Canadians, or is he just another servant for the billionaires and big oil like Smith and O'Leary?"
>The _National Post_ is notably owned 98 percent by US hedge funds, as are most of the rest of Canada's newspapers, despite a 25 percent limit on foreign ownership in this politically influential industry. The Postmedia chain that publishes it has steadily increased its stranglehold on Canada's press, taking over the Sun Media chain in 2015, the Brunswick News chain in 2022 and Atlantic Canada's dominant SaltWire Network last year. Postmedia's majority shareholder by far, with 65 percent ownership, is New Jersey hedge fund Chatham Asset Management, whose manager Anthony Melchiorre is a Trump ally whose supermarket tabloid _National Enquirer_ [suppressed allegations of sexual impropriety against Trump](https://www.fa-mag.com/news/at-hedge-fund-that-owns-trump-secrets--clashes-and-odd-math-43868.html) during his first presidential bid in 2016\.
>The research group highlights four “sole-source or critical suppliers” among the 110 Canadian companies which have participated in the development or production of the F-35. Among these, Gastops, “a small firm headquartered in Ottawa, ON, is particularly of note.”
>Gastops is the sole producer in the world of the oil monitoring and fan blade health sensors used in the F-35, which are key components in maintaining the reliability of the warplanes. The Aerospace Industries Association of Canada emphasizes that “this is technology that nobody else has.” The value of the contracts awarded to Gastops for the F-35 exceeds $100 million, according to the report.
>The implication of these violations is that “companies supplying critical parts of F-35 aircraft to Israel, directly or indirectly, and particularly sole-source suppliers of these parts, are therefore complicit in crimes against humanity, war crimes, and other grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions.”
>Retired Col. Brett Boudreau, a former senior military public affairs officer, said the decision not to release speeches is just a symptom of the ongoing failure by the forces to connect with Canadians. “The episode is just the latest in a long series of painful examples showing how far the defence communications enterprise has fallen,” he added. “This is a telling snapshot of the current malign mindset toward public communication by Defence senior leadership.”
>The Canadian Forces and the Department of National Defence have faced intense criticism for its increasing secrecy. In 2023, the House of Commons Committee on National Defence launched hearings into the lack of openness and transparency. The committee heard that DND and the military routinely violates the law by failing to release records under the Access to Information Act.
>Poilievre might have reason to show fealty to Modi: confidential sources told [Radio-Canada](https://ici.radio-canada.ca/rci/en/news/2123802/agents-of-indian-government-interfered-in-patrick-browns-conservative-leadership-campaign-sources) that Indian officials in Canada undermined the campaign of one of Poilievre's rivals for the Conservative leadership in 2022\. Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown, who had previously been one of the [Canadian politicians closest to Modi](https://breachmedia.ca/hindu-far-right-pressured-a-canadian-university-into-cancelling-a-critical-lecture/), had begun [criticizing](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/canadian-mayor-attends-vigil-for-deep-sidhu-india-expresses-concerns-101645614886661.html) the BJP's draconian crackdown on Indian farmers protesting agricultural reforms.
>For India, a country with an increasingly militaristic and authoritarian government desperate to maintain its slipping label as “the world’s largest democracy,” Canada’s blessing is invaluable.
This seems to be the actual indictment, in case anyone wants to read it: