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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Liberals are gonna be done the next election and dumbasses who vote con thinking it’s gonna be better are in for a rude awakening as they shovel money to their big business buddies.

I totally approve of this. Asia is pretty unstable right now with China always “threatening”. I think defense spending in this area sends the right message.

Is it a free vote though or do they get disciplined if they don’t vote the party line?

The government needs to sequester the top union brass and the air Canada CEO himself in a locked room until a deal comes out.

If you want to accelerate the process keep turning the temperature in the room up and limit washroom breaks.

If you call the mayors office on the phone does every crazy that calls get put right through? Of course not.

They need to hire a social media manger to filter the crazy. The mayor is under no obligation to read their insane ravings.

I dumped twitter/x a couple of years ago. No negative impacts at all. Just not hearing from “those types” anymore.

Edit: and anyone that can’t behave can have their comments removed. We don’t need online amplification for the worst kinds of people.

Don’t know about you but I wouldn’t feel comfortable flying an airline where workers are being beaten-down by the government to do their jobs.

Probably not a safe travel environment.

Let’s make a real bargaining process happen. If the government is forced to intervene, for every day a negotiated contract is not signed, the company CEOs are directly fined 2 % of their total yearly compensation payable in the next tax year.

Low budget propaganda. Maybe made by those trucker fools or their friends? Hick central.

Threads like this always bring out the uninformed. It’s great. Easy to block them. Fish in a barrel.

It’s not even private landlords that people should be worried about. There’s a big push on for big companies to just buy as much land as they can everywhere to permanently claim it for future rental purposes.

Consider if rather than a city with a million independent landlords, “omni corp.” bought and controls 90% of the available units anywhere in the city and can control who can live in the city through their database, etc.

Maybe they decide to buy some retiree houses before they pass away and offer the grandkids shares in the company for ongoing revenue and guaranteed income for the rest of their lives. Many old folks would jump at that. But omnicorp would never let the land ever become public again.

It’s all about real estate now. Any other “investment” is inferior. My previous boss knew that ages ago.

This is 100% a Doug ford problem.

In BC all rent hikes are permanently capped at the government limit regardless of anything else.

“Trucker convoy” and all of the idiots that bought that stupid political crap hook line and sinker.

And yet I can get stuff shipped to me free or nearly free from china while it costs me $25 to get the same size box half way across Canada.

Exactly. The rules haven’t fully taken effect yet. Infact international student numbers are currently spiking by those wishing to beat the crackdown.

Universities prioritize international students over Canadian students because of the revenue potential and they’ll admit less Canadian students and hold more spaces reserved for International.

The only solution is proper government funding as education is already prohibitively expensive.

I’d like to see high demand jobs have education funded significantly by employer contributions and government over students. Medical and skilled technology and trades. Sorry art majors, you pay full freight to indulge your passion.

Yup. The fossil fuel crowd sponsored by by oil always trotts out an edge case of someone who commutes daily 200 miles each way in the winter to scare people. But it’s a total BS scare tactic that probably impacts one person in a million.

The rest are better off on electric. Once they try they’ll never go back.

Build them in Alberta. They already don’t care about the environment.

For many homeowners their home equity is their only remaining retirement plan.

Maybe you are fortunate enough not to be there but many are so any government that makes moves to reduce that equity will be gone the next election cycle.

Want a single detached house? Start climbing the property ladder in the middle of nowhere not presuming it’s realistic to start at the top in a major city anymore.

Hard truth gonna get downvoted. Pity.

Hydrogen was never anything more than a stopgap for people who were scared of charging for 20 min rather than spending 3 min filling it with fossil fuel.

I’m fortunate enough to have home charging and electric serves us just fine and has never let us down once. Road trips need a bit more planning but nothing significant and we only do those every few years so…

lol. It’s cute that you think your opinion is more valid than mine. Wonder which of us has been teaching for 25 years.

But I don’t debate idiots. I block them. Bye.

I’d like to see a federal law in place that any service business or utility developed using taxpayer money may never be privatized unless all funding derived from taxpayers and any resulting land or property value is returned to taxpayers in advance.

There’s a lot missing from this story before I make a snap judgment against the police.

I’ve had enough of this crap. Filtering anything to do with Middle East conflicts for good. I have no vested interest in the area at all.

It should be funded by big business that exploits workers.

The difference in salary between the highest paid employee and lowest paid contributor (not even direct employee, contractor/whatever) to the business should be paid every pay cycle to fund transition to green living.

Want to lose less to government? Raise worker wages or take an executive pay cut.

I disagree. I’ve even been told that marking in a red pen hurts people’s feelings. Oh well, feelings gotta be hurt then to prepare people to live in civilized society because being all touchy feels ain’t working.

Or require a minimum education level to be able to vote.

People have been permitted to be unintelligent.

Rather than being failed by the school system when they shouldn’t be moving to a higher grade.

Right to repair is good but a few other things need to happen as well.

  1. Longer mandatory warranties like in Europe. Stop manufacturers from using cheap components that die quickly in a race to the bottom price. 2 years on consumer electronics and 5 years on major appliances
  2. Include significantly higher deposits on purchase that are refunded if repaired instead of replaced.
  3. ensure manufacturers can supply parts for the more extended warranty cycles and nearly at cost with inexpensive shipping.
  4. Incentivize trades schools to train people for appliance repair

I loved how some media outlets called it “throwing his weight behind the conservatives”. Ya. Weight….

More like cowering behind conservatives because the entire province knows that the BC Liberals were full to the gills with corruption.

My only sadness is that it wasn’t Krusty Clark throwing in the towel.

My mom was watching CNN in her bedroom to watch the trump Train wreck whenever she visited us. We cancelled our cable subscription to get rid of it and we just get OTA local news now.

Really no loss, if a big news event happens it’s still carried live here on Canadian stations.

And any government that destroys home value will be gone because every existing homeowner will vote them out to preserve their value.

It’s a total impossible, non-starter.

I will be voting the liberals out.

I will not be voting conservative because I’m not stupid, though I can still be an asshole.