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Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Me in Australia: finally something we’re ahead of everyone on

If Argentina votes in the anarcho-capitalist guy who gets policy advice from his dogs (technically one dog that’s been cloned several times) then this will really take the cake for darkest timeline.

Your fascist cookers funded our fascist cookers during this referendum campaign lol.

How much time have you got? I guess the biggest factor is that referendums are hard to pass in Australia, especially when the campaign becomes partisan. And this one was VERY partisan. But also Australia has a particular type of racist ignorance when it comes to our First Nations Peoples and our colonial history in general. We’re now currently the only settler colonial nation that has not recognised its First Nations Peoples in their constitution. Settler colonialism is not a competition, but if it was Australia kind of wins the gold. I say that as a white Australian.

Australian here. We got the same shit going down here and it’s very much not organic to our culture. We’re having a referendum this year for our first nations people to be recognised in our constitution. I shit you not the campaign against this is being funded directly by the same bad actors behind the culture wars bullshit in the US.

I’m honestly surprised by this because doesn’t Finland have like one of the best public education systems in the world? I’ve always thought strongly funded and accessible education is like the antidote to fascism, but it seems it’s much more complex than that. Fascists just always know how to push the right buttons to exploit people’s fears.

They are but things are definitely getting hot with China. There’s also been some issues with trade and diplomacy since our ex PM publicly called for an investigation into the origins of covid. China did not respond well to that and our previous government’s approach to diplomacy didn’t help. At one point China actually wasn’t answering calls from us.

We are walking a very fine line because we absolutely depend on trade with China but we’ve also entered in an alliance for the explicit purpose of preparing for a potential conflict with China. There’s absolutely no reality where we side with China over America. We would destroy our economy before we back out of our alliance with the US. We have followed them into every war since ww2.

Nah we just signed a big pact with the US and UK and now we’re buying all their hand me down helicopters and shit.

My country (Australia) has tied itself to you guys so if you go down we definitely go down with you. I’m 100% hoping the US doesn’t fall into chaos. We also birthed Rupert Murdoch and he’s played a huge part in heating up this civil war.

I’m in Australia but my uni has at least provided us with a run down on what generative AI actually is, what it does, and how students might use it. Most of the academics I work with really are not ready for AI but that has a lot to do with their overall tech literacy (which is surprisingly low in my field). I think once you learn about AI it’s not as scary. You just have to rework your curriculum in the same way we have with calculators. For intro subjects that require memorising and recall I think these assessments can just be done in person under exam conditions like they always have been. Online tests / exams have honestly always been easy to cheat on and this was before ai.

It not being conscious or self aware. It’s just putting words together that don’t necessarily have any meaning. It can simulate language but meaning is a lot more complex than putting the right words in the right places.

I’d also be VERY surprised if it isn’t harvesting people’s data in the exact way you’ve described.

What the world needs to understand about Australia is that our country is essentially a huge playground for the fossil fuel industry.

I’m sorry but what the actual fuck is your political system? I’m been sitting here thinking France is one of the healthiest democracies because you actually protest. But now I see why all the protesting.

This Macron guy is really trying to make people hate him isn’t he. At this point it feels like he actually wants the French to burn shit.

He usually responds well to weird stuff like this and there’s a chance he’ll mention it on his show.