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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I agree. I understand the rules and it makes sense to me. The people going through it don’t care. The husband going through this loss doesn’t care about other people needing his living donor liver, or there being better recipients. He would view it (I imagine) as “why should I donate when they didn’t help my wife?”

Maybe he should, but maybe he is thinking “Fuck them, we tried to participate in the system. We had a living donor to go. What? Oh you have a ‘better’ recipient? Well, guess who doesn’t want to donate to a system that failed my loved one.”

Exactly. Rome had memes they painted on the city walls about their political leaders.

SMB 3 was a big deal when it came out. Not only was the game a delight to play, but they had a whole ass movie where they “debuted” the game at the end of it. The whole movie was pretty much a long Nintendo commercial showing different games and the power glove and all. The end was a video game competition and SMB 3 was the surprise game. They even showed where to get the first warp whistle.

I liked that movie.

I’m not adding anything new, but I wanted to agree with others saying playing in bursts is fine. I would suggest at least 1 hour, if not more. If you don’t have an hour just wait till you do. I played it in burst, but there is so much to read that a shorter amount of time won’t do it justice.

Definitely worth playing. Multiple times too. I played my first go one way and now I’m playing a completely different Tequila Sunrise.

If she retired earlier, then Mitch would have just blocked her replacement. Unless you mean like early early, like Obama’s first term. I don’t really remember hearing calls for her to resign until after Mitch showed his plan as ”the party of no."

Did you look up what charges he got or are you just assuming? (Probably rightfully, but still)

Just looked it up…they did charge him, but he pulled an Epstein.

I assumed it was people that were paid to describe him as that.

It is soooo good. I have so much to do and I am savoring it instead of rushing through.

My wife and I also will play Diablo 4 eventually, but judging by past Diablo games we will wait a couple xpac’s.

I plan on getting to Tunic eventual. I’m on Zelda totk and then probably Silksong when it drops, but I need to try Tunic as well.

Second. I’m taking my time and enjoying the exploration and everything. I’m sure this will keep me busy for a few months before I move to find Silksong.

He was referring to the drink not the drug, but yes is the answer to your question. He pluralized it for some reason. Maybe a joke, maybe the other person wanted a coke as well. Maybe he’s dumb and doesn’t understand how to make words go together well.

That seems logical so no. I’m sure that whenever these corporations gave their bills to be passed as laws to their bribed elected officials. (I mean legally anonymously donated to officials). That those bills had very minor punishment for any and every wrong doing of the company, so no worries there.

Thank you. I was scrolling too much to see this. My immediate thought was Metroid. Samus has been running and gunning since the NES console.

Not even out yet still probably the number one answer.