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Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


I’ve never understood how we haven’t been considered employees as gig workers.

The only difference from a typical job is that you can “turn off” your job when it’s convenient.

You dont get say in the jobs you take, or you don’t get all the information to mislead you into taking poor jobs. Sometimes both (looking at you door dash)

Instacart sends you a t4a at the end of the year, and you are for tax purposes considered to have worked for them. But they don’t have to pay into any of our various employee protections because loopholes?

They can terminate your “not employment” at any time for any reason and use this as a method to force you to do things you don’t want to.

All while paying you less than minimum wage. Instacart specifically is very bad for this. They give you a "predicted shop time " which will often be in the realm of 30-40 mins + 10-20 travel time to and from the store. And the batch will be valued at less then $15m

If then acknowledge that the job will take X amount of time, the base pay needs to hit $15/h x est time.

Same goes for all gig jobs.

Do we want more orphans and teen mothers stuck in abusive relationships?

The unfortunate answer to that question is yes, they do. Uneducated people vote blue, abused mothers vote what their abuser votes for out of fear. They need to feed the cycle that the church started and we are just starting to climb out of.

There is a reason that the church is anti-sex-ed, it doesn’t survive without people raised in it.

Wow, so not only is this a direct attack on renewables, but non renewables that fall under the same situation are too be reviewed case by case?


My partner was on one of Shaw’s 0$ per month, by the gig plans. It was easily the most competitive plan on the market at the time. Its no wonder they got shut down so fast.

Now she is being harassed by Rogers 3 calls a week to upgrade her plan. They want her off the 0$ plan so bad lol.

In other news, water is wet!

Hopefully the do something about it instead of just watching it go higher

Oh of course, I feel like it goes without saying that this is in reference to young school-age children.

My personal opinion, would be that the age cut off for where a child’s rights supersede the opinions of their parents would probably be 13 or 14.

As long as those values do not override those of other parents, go at it.

Parents should always have the right to remove their child from a situation they do not agree with. They should never have the right to tell other parents or teachers how to teach other children.

Unfortunately you don’t need to peer review a study to convince conservative voters 😔

I feel like all of these fediverse platforms are going to suffer from the same issue.

I searched up peertube and clicked on the peertube link. No where was there a “recommend videos” feed or “upload videos” or “create account” and the first link to a peertube platform is a cliche “rebellion” something or other.

These things will never see mass adoption if they aren’t approachable to the casual browser. It sucks, but the average user would rather give their data to Google or watch 25sec of ads before each video then try to figure out fediverse. Especially since when you do figure it out, there isn’t any good content yet.

It’s like saying that you’re intentionally not going to get a first aid ticket, so that you don’t have to help someone when they get hurt. You can just throw your hands up and walk away while yelling at all the people who do have their first aid ticket that they’re doing it wrong.

And then applying for a job as an EMT.

99.98% uptime, and you get to stand by the clerk at the coffee shop for 30 minutes for your payment to process 😂

What if I have an Xbox controller plugged in and want to use my keyboard? A simple spacebar hit sets the default controller for fit this play session.

“global warming”

There is a reason we stopped calling it this professionally a long time ago. It’s because this isn’t new news. Increased climate temperatures will lead to increased periods of cold as well.

I feel like AI would be better put to replace CEOs than Frontline workers lol. Get rid of your most expensive asset and improve efficiency.

If gas companies are given an excuse to increase profits they will. No different than grocery stores overcompensating for inflation.

Ive been exclusively browsing on mobile web, same as I did reddit. This layout is much more user friendly forsure.

So because I’m not entirely sure how this all works, maybe someone can inform/correct me.

So a bunch of companies were working together to increase/overvalue the price of bread?

Isn’t that exactly what gas stations/companies have been doing for years now? There is a reason you don’t see gas station wars anymore, if individual stations don’t price their gas at what the company decides it’s worth they get slapped. How is that not price fixing?