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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Yeah, it’s on the Apple app store, and the Android version is available directly from their GitHub release page as an APK, or on F-Droid.

Definitely more. It’s geared to note taking, with hashtags, wiki-like linking, and loads of other features. The main page is here.

I’m a big fan of Logseq. I use Syncthing to sync a folder between my desktop and phone and it works great. Tagging, everything is in markdown, and it’s easy to navigate around.

The ability to insert flow charts on the go with the draw.io integration built in is amazing for technical documentation.

Joplin is nice, but I’ve grown to love Logseq for my notes.

In that vein, Dendron in VS Code or VSCodium is equally amazing.

I’m a big fan of Bookstack. The Docker images work great, also in Kubernetes. SSO is easy to set up as well, so if you’re using something like Authentik for SSO, you can integrate it pretty easily.

By default it uses a WSYWIG editor, but you can change the default to Markdown. Also, the ability to use the built-in draw.io diagram tool is great if you are documenting anything like code paths or network setup.

Maybe have them coalesce based on channel name, but have local mods on each server. It’d be great if you could share moderation between trusted servers or trusted mods on different servers as well (this could be on a per-community or per-server basis).