Numbers can be fun if you play with them a bit. We may not always agree but I’ll be your friend if you ever need one.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Since we devolved to insults. Go fuck your self you fucking wanker.

This is wading into philosophical areas but think about this. We defined what sound is and if there are no biological creatures around to hear a sound or interpret its vibrations, than no there wasn’t a sound. Something fell, a reaction occurred and without an observer there is no sound since there was nothing there when the event occurred.

Also I’m reading more into this and reforming my opinions based on new information so this is an evolving position for me.

I need time to digest this information and reform an opinion. Thank you.

Right. It doesn’t make a sound. It vibrates the air. Your ears interpret those vibrations as sound. They move through the air in a wave like pattern originating from the source.

it doesn’t. It creates sound waves that travel through the air causing it to vibrate. What you hear is your body’s interpretation of those vibrations as the enter your ear and shake the little hairs inside of your ear canal.

Fun fact this is why sound and taste is subjective. I may like the sound of one persons voice and you find it annoying.

I write a lot of professional emails for work and I have to use it all the time.

Heyooo. I’m a Marine and I tried to use this at work recently in a Power Point Presentation. In my head it sounded super motivational but the delivery fell super flat. I get it though but I was just trying to inspire my staff to problem solve a little harder.

Hey I play this game almost every day. I still suck at making RJ45 connector heads.

I’m okay with using Nuclear power in a limited capacity. There is a great channel on YouTube that goes by the name of Plainly Difficult. Extremely well done documentaries on nuclear related incidents. In my observations, most issues are due to human related error, poor inspection process or a failure to follow a safety procedure.

I’m with you friend. I’ve used Reddit daily since it practically opened. Sure the people who don’t care might stick around but the people who really loved Reddit are scorned and I have zero reason to go back to someone after they already backstabbed them the first time.