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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


If somebody gets access to your system, they could use that to blackmail you, and/or frame you for distributing said media.

“Give us $X, or we leak and distribute Y media on your behalf, and you will get sued by the corporate goons for shit loads of money”

The only real solution is to completely overhaul IP law, and/or nationalizing funding for the arts. If we’re gonna keep corps that own/produce media, then they should have a very short and limited amount of time to distribute it before it becomes common property of the people.

The battery is usually long gone by the time it becomes a server though.

Absolutely. I still have my laptop from high school, and it’s battery has been long gone. The screen is on its last legs.

Maybe it will be a server one day, but for now it’s my DnD laptop. Sucks a bit when somebody bumps the power cord and the battlemap turns off. But it’s still limping by.