
Just a little guy interested in videogames, reading, technology and the environment.

I’m on Telegram - feel free to ask for my details :3

My other account is @OmegaMouse@feddit.uk

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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Jan 04, 2024


Ahh thanks - It’s included within an existing Playstation subscription I have, so I can play it without any extra charge. If it’s short and fun like you say, I’ll definitely give it a go!

Is RE3 remake worth playing? I loved the remake of the second one.

Personally I feel like piracy shouldn’t be criminalised in the way it is, and certainly any attempts to worsen the punishments should be fought against. However your reddit comment is quite bizarre to be honest… I think laws protecting children and animals against harm are a good idea!

I think this model can work, and has its benefits (like with Game Pass). To be clear though, Ubisoft’s offering is shit and not worth the price they’re asking. And one thing I absolutely hate is the (sometimes timed) exclusivity on some of these platforms. The Lost Crown looks great for example, but Ubisoft are trying to force people to use their service by not offering it on Steam.

Personally I don’t really mind not ‘owning’ the game in most cases. 9 times out of 10, I’ll play a game and be done with it. Short, linear indie games for example are perfect for a Game Pass type model. What we don’t need is 10 similar subscriptions with their own exclusives.