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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Exactly. Microsoft also has the benefit of double-dipping - they have Xbox, but they also get a healthy cut from PC as a vast majority of gamers are going to be running Windows.

This article feels very much like a fanboy wanting to keep the stupid “console wars” going, when really Microsoft is happy to just rake in the cash.

That was what I got from the article too. That the 700k was lost opportunity due to a poor user experience, not that it actually was them spending more money.

TortoiseGit user here. Love that it integrates with Windows Explorer so I don’t have to constantly be opening an app first to fire off some Git commands.

Thank you for linking the source! Seems OP was just mistaken about what they were seeing.

I was able to confirm that the database includes email address and password hash.

Uhhhh not loving that if true… Why would password hashes need to be sent all over the planet…? That’s a security bomb just ticking.

Shouldn’t each instance only need to be tracking user Metadata, with only the original users instance handling authentication…? After all my personal interaction is happening on my instance.