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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Jan 23, 2024


That is the trouble with relying on recruiters, there’s essentially no bar to entry so the industry is flooded with talentless chancers

Aren’t messages the only point of LinkedIn? You create a profile which is basically your CV, set it to “looking for work”, and wait for recruiters to message you, right?

Can you include that in the title and description please? It’s a pretty important detail to leave out!

It’s not malice though, it’s cold, unfeeling greed. Malice implies they want to cause harm; all they want is to extract maximum profit. Sometimes it’s by being malicious, sometimes it’s by being altruistic, for instance pretending to care about an oppressed minority in order to improve their image. The only decision is “will the cost of this action be less than the profit it makes?”

Still literally millions and millions of users who don’t care about the things we care about