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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


As someone who has to deal with small pockets these new flip phones have been interesting to me. I’m just worried about how long that screen will last.

Neodori Forever - 46 reviews (Positive) is also part of the Summer Sale!

I just picked this up and it’s a fun and vibrant, pixel graphics, arcade style drifting game. There’s a ‘story’ mode followed by an endless mode to keep you busy and the soundtrack made its way onto my playlist. I don’t have a Steam Deck, but it seems like it’d be a good fit.

I had a great time with Final Fantasy XV near the top of this year. I had a ton of fun with the floaty combat and the character moments! The game got patched up for PC, so the only problem I had was that they stopped support after the rough release and didn’t finish the story they intended to tell.

This led me to pick up Forspoken (same devs) as well despite the negative press. I can’t think of a movement system I’ve enjoyed more. The writing isn’t as awful as everyone says (IMHO) and the spell casting focus with parkour woven in is just chefs kiss. Slap on some tunes and grind out my masteries was how I spent a good month. Huge fan of the cuff character as well (no spoilers). Honestly was devastating to hear the studio close, because the DLC just released was pretty rad too.

Edit - RIP the double post bug got me too. Deleted comment’s just a copy of this

Tixati for PC, Transmission for Mac is how I’ve had it for a while. No complaints!

Why do I feel like I stepped into r/KotakuinAction‽ This is shitty, no matter who it happens too. And EVERY news label has junk this day and age. The vitriol for this publication seems way more than necessary.

It’s a shorter article, so I might have missed it, but I’m assuming Steam Deck is included in those measurements. If so I’d imagine that bumps the numbers.

‘Transgender people could therefore come under investigation regardless of which bathroom they use.’

I know it’s preaching to the choir here, but we all know that’s the point of all this. Can’t wait for mandatory genital examinations from the party that keeps complaining about grooming.