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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Gave 76 a try after the “fixing”, still didn’t like it much

Dinkum was a great reskin/reimagining of this genre

Yeahhhhh except that if we really want to change hearts and minds (which if you don’t, you are just doing things for the sake of the high of self righteousness, because you don’t really care about the issue if you aren’t trying to change others’ opinions), you have to be better than them. You have to answer vitriol with level headed salient points. There is no better way to show someone what a deluded, selfish asshole they are than answering shittheadedness with calm, valid counter arguments.

No one looks good in this. Musk obviously much much worse, but Lemon was antagonistic and rather aggressive with his tones and questions. When he had multiple chances to respond somewhere down the middle and MAYBE get Elon to actually think about things differently, Lemon continued to be demeaning and dismissive. Lemon is confused why Elon is upset about this interview? Bullshit. Lemon went for multiple “gotcha” moments, brought lines of questioning that were meant to be direct attacks, purposefully “misunderstood” his answers when he had even somewhat salient points. Still trying to rectify the illegal immigrant thing in my own mind, have to chalk it up to Elon being misinformed about the data I guess, because that made an unfortunate amount of sense. Has to be that not an overwhelming majority of immigrants go to blue states, which actually it might be just that simple. “Blue states would lose blah blah seats in senate and electoral votes without illegals (yuck he kept saying it this way)” yeah but what about red states? Does Elon really think 100% of illegal immigrants go to blue states? Anyway my point is Lemon didn’t really respond to this point other than “you are wrong. Guess we will find out which of us is wrong.”

Don’t be too embarrassed y’all. I am in the same boat as you, but reasonable people adjust their views and beliefs as new evidence is presented, which is exactly what we have done

You might escape from Pavlov, but you can never escape your own responses.

You got enough feedback I think but just to add: yeah use ship log, and the game is absolutely incredible. One of my top three of all time. No, there is never any action in the way you prob thinking about it.

What? Are you saying that insane amounts of electricity goes into processing new blockchain nodes and the fossil fuels burned to create that electricity it absolutely horrendous and continuing to contribute to climate change at a time when we need emergency measures to mitigate (notice I didn’t say prevent) harm done to the planet while contributing nothing to actual economics and society? Cus if so: yes.

Yeah you right, I didn’t mean it in that way. Actually I completely agree with you, except with the caveat that USD does work the exact same way, but the value assigned to it is agreed upon by wayyyyyyy more people, and backed by the government (but again that’s just a group of people with a lot of power). But all currencies work that way, hence exchange rates.

We can only exchange little green papers for actual goods because everybody agrees it’s worth something, hence why they can turn around and exchange it for whatever they want. Crypto doesn’t have the same history or consistency, and in a slightly hilarious way it looks like it never will, opposed to what many people thought. Yeah, I don’t understand people that are intensely dogmatic about things, like change your beliefs with emerging evidence yes? Crypto bros: it’s still the future bro! It’ll happen!

As with everything else, it only holds the value we assign to it

Well I make 3% more now because companies refuse to give raises compensatory with inflation let alone actual raises, so actually it’s more expensive.