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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Go find all of the armor pieces in the game. Some are quite tricky to find. Then if you want the extra challenge, upgrade all of that armor to its max.

Haha, it’s funny how people think centralization will do any good for something that was designed to be decentralized from the ground up. I swear, it’s like folks have totally forgotten what crypto was initially intended to solve.

Well, the irony is hard to miss, right? Crypto was born out of this grand idea of decentralization, but then everyone just rushed over to these centralized exchanges. Kinda sounds like a death knell to me. Seems like the original spirit of crypto got lost in the rush for profits.

I do think the tech and the concept will keep evolving, and eventually, it’ll morph into something new, get a new name or something. Here’s hoping that when it does, people will get that it’s better to trust the collective ‘us’ instead of just a select few. After all, these are often the same folks messing things up. But, what can you do, huh?