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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


It’s not new, nor is it AI. Predictive text suggestions have been in Android for ages now.

I wouldn’t start with retro hardware, those systems have a lot of quirks and limitations that will make development much harder than it needs to be for your first projects. Instead I’d suggest using a modern toolkit like Gamemaker if you want to avoid programming, or an engine like Godot. Lots of good tutorials available for either.

Man, the state of the games industry is just sad to see. Also makes me question my career working in an adjacent field, despite my job being safe for now…

IMO the story is not really worse than the games’ writing. Fallout as a universe never really made sense. So for me, it being fun and campy is enough and just what I’d expect of a Fallout show.

Kirby’s adventure feels really modern for an NES game, still holds up great to this day. The difficulty is also closer to what people are used to nowadays, compared to the punishing difficulty of many NES games. One of the few NES games I played through completely.

The lemmy devs should really focus on proper content deletion tools. It’s not just the images, it’s very strange and inconsistent overall. When I delete a comment, it’s seemingly still visible to many people and collecting up/downvotes even many hours after I deleted it. On the other hand, when a post gets deleted, it’s completely gone, to the point that I can’t even look up the discussion that I had within that post, just my own comments on my profile.

I’m glad to live in a place where that kind of surveillance is already illegal. I recently read that in some places, it’s already commonplace to track every single keystroke and mouse click on workers’ PCs. That’s bad enough even without putting AI and facial recognition into the mix. Truly dystopian.

Kinda true in Europe though. Don’t know anyone who uses iMessage, it’s pretty much irrelevant. I know the situation in the US is quite different, but ultimately they don’t regulate for the US market.

The Skull and Bones beta motivated me to start a second playthrough of Assassin’s Creed Black Flag, 10 years after my first one. Having a blast, it’s honestly even better than I remembered and runs great on the Steam Deck.

I’d love to play it with my niece and nephew if the game had a split screen mode. Not going to happen if they need a Switch and a copy of the game each.

Not disagreeing otherwise, but it’s 4 paid expansions, not just one.

It’s such an Apple thing to put a giant glass panel on the front of a VR headset, which you’re likely to sometimes bump into things when in immersive mode, and then charge $800 for a replacement.

I usually emulate on my Steam Deck. I still have a Nintendo Online subscription going as it’s required for multiplayer (hate that that’s a thing), but I rarely use the emulators. I wouldn’t pay for the Online+ subscription, it doesn’t seem good value to me.

That would explain why I didn't have any problems with Youtube and uBlock Origin.

I can see what you mean for phones, but are analogue clocks supposed to be a thing of the past now? I have like 3 in my home and know many other people, including young people, who still have them.

Free games are free games, IMO it would be silly to reject them just because Epic bad. I can install them on my Steam Deck through Heroic without even having to use the official launcher.

What made BG3 “antiquated” to you? Just the nature of it being a cRPG? I thought it had some really good modern game design.

Not saying it is, but they have done so before for games with particularly bad launches.

This is actually hilarious. Never trusted them for a minute, but didn’t expect the rugpull to happen after just a few days. Wonder if Steam will refund everyone.

Cool, love the Redwall-esque setting. I hope they get their marketing right this time and don’t overpromise.

As an Android-smartphone user with an iPad, agreed. Typing and any text operations on iOS are terrible.

People remember, it’s more that some people hope that Rockstar will stop their bullshit eventually. PC gaming is in a very different place than it was when GTA V released.

Their reason for not going into any details or provide any evidence is that it might be a government plot and they’d get into trouble for sharing it. Sounds like bullshit to me TBH. Just someone looking for attention.

On the other hand I don’t see why being there in person has to be required for anyone. He can say exactly the same things remotely.

Spoilers: >!Most of the game is a prequel to HL2, but in the final few minutes, you get sent into the future, right to the time and place where Episode 2 ended. So it does advance the Half-Life plot forward, but only by a few minutes.!<

Some desperate scalpers on ebay are already trying to sell the 512GB version for 1000€. Despite the fact that you can still order one for half the price and receive it within 6-10 days.

That’s what he wrote in his second paragraph and it’s a fair point. In his third paragraph (the one I quoted) he claims that just having that functionality in webviews is already a “huge loss” though and I was curious what kind of scenario he was thinking of.

The option alone also now also allows people to build stuff that will only work in those WebViews, rejecting to work without the integrity check, which is already a huge loss.

Can you give a concrete example how this would be a huge issue? A webview is part of an app, which is already a closed system. If a developer wants to, they can already build their app using native UI with integrity checks. Now they can do the same when using webviews. It really has none of the implications it would have for browsers.

We gotta remain vigilant.

Agreed, but I disagree about the first part. It being only available in webviews can’t really be abused and makes all the difference. Sure they could try to reintroduce all the bad stuff, even if the had cancelled it altogether, but for now this is a success.

Because they’ve done it many times in the past? Wii, WiiU, Gameboy series, DS series all had backwards compatibility.

If they had initially introduced a normal revenue share system like they’re offering now, very few people would have complained. I find the notion that this was all a deliberate move from Unity rather silly. The only thing it achieved was serious damage to their reputation (which wasn’t great in the first place).

Eh, if you want a scapegoat you generally wouldn’t use the CEO for that. Plus, he is known for pushing shady practices at EA as well, so I have no doubt he was a major driving force behind their original monetisation scheme. I don’t think they will try the same thing again, as it was just a really dumb idea that wouldn’t have made sense for anyone, including Unity themselves who don’t even have a reliable method of tracking installs.

It’s an indication that they realized that the direction they were attempting to take wasn’t working. It’s a step in the right direction.

Previous pixel phones got between 3 and 4 years of updates.

The issue is that those previous promises were for a very short support window

Not really. The previous phones already had a way longer support window than almost any other Android phones on the market, which mostly only get a year or so of updates. It’s a defining feature of pixel phones.

Google has so far kept their software update promises for Pixel phones with no issues.

Sounded great at first, but 15 monthly hours is pretty terrible TBH. Not even an hour a day?

My point is that when we learned to interact with technology like computers, we had to start at a much lower level, that naturally gave us a deeper understanding of the technology because it was required to use it. I learned the MSDOS command line when I was 6 years old, not because I wanted to learn about the technology, but because I wanted to play games on the computer. It just happened to give me a basic understanding about how a computer’s file system works.

These days you don’t have to worry about any of that, as technology is for the most part effortless to use and doesn’t require any understanding below the surface. So naturally Gen Z people won’t pick up the knowledge Millenials did, not because they’re dumber, but because they don’t have to.