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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


Thanks a lot for the update! Disappointing that it wouldn’t work behind just CloudFlare, I know my parents use an Apple TV to watch stuff. While I don’t happen to need this right now, it’s very useful to know in case some additional restrictions happen.

I’ve been using Plex because it’s what I heard the most about and I liked that it has native apps everywhere. Wasn’t so tempted by Jellyfin since, even as a web developer, I’m not fond of web apps on other platforms. However, it’s starting to be tempting to switch…

Never even heard of Hertzner, but I’m super curious about your results, I’m currently running a proxy with CloudFlare on some services but not on Plex

Everything I tried was annoying to use and didn’t do what I wanted for some reason, so I just made my own. This took some time, but not as much as I expected.

  • I copy and pasted a GitHub Action from the official docs which generates a Docker image and publishes it to GitHub Packages.
  • On the server, I use Portainer’s “Stacks” (which are just Docker Compose files) for all programs and games, so I just added a new stack which uses my image from GitHub.
  • The server also has Watchtower installed on it (inside a container of course), which updates all containers, including the dashboard.
  • Portainer and Watchtower both share the same Docker configuration, so I only need to configure my GitHub access token in one place (e.g., Portainer’s UI).