Hello! My name is Cobalt Swiftpaw. I’m here for memes and art.

Previously /u/PirandelloKruger723 on Reddit.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


Just in case anyone was curious, the media group is Tenet Media, who is associated with Tim Pool and some other right-wing dipshits.

Oh yeah, not the person you replied to directly, but it’s insanely obvious to me that this is YET ANOTHER PR stunt to make Elon look like he’s being targeted. ANY other international social media would have tried to resolve this quietly, the public probably wouldn’t even know.

Nobody held Nazi Germany to account until they did. I won’t lie and say a Nuremburg Trials pt 2 is extremely likely, but it is a possible outcome with how many peaceful international groups have been intentionally targeted.

The law doesn’t function the same everywhere. When you start/run an international business, it is necessary to understand this. When you don’t, things like this happen.

I still think windmills are pretty cool lol. There’s a program in my school for becoming a windmill technician and you can see the size of one blade and they truly are massive.

This is a tangent, but as a kid I always thought windmills looked cool as shit. I hate that talking point.

While I agree, I do think its important to individually investigate every instance of corruption if for no other reason than history.

I love Alberta. I don’t love the people you’ll find in smaller communities but it’s a beautiful province and there’s a lot of great things about Edmonton and Calgary. I’d rather live here than anywhere else in the country. I just don’t know that I can.

Never heard of Democracy Now but don’t write off CBC just because they’re gov funded. As long as you know their bias I’ve found CBC to be pretty good in delivering factual news. The thing they engage in most is lying by omission - not covering inconvenient topics.

Never seen it in western Canada. But like the other person says we have plastic gallon (4L) jugs.

For the record, paper cartons are lined with plastic as well. It’s pretty hard to escape with our current system. We’d literally have to go back to a milkman with glass bottles. Not that that’s impossible, just a change.

Damn, that’s pretty cool. C-244 would do a lot for me personally, so I hope that goes through.

Well, a consultation is basically the bare minimum. We’ll have to wait to see if this leads to even the possibility legislation.

Stores all have internal inventory systems. There’s a record kept of every product that’s ever gone missing off shelves without someone paying for it. The companies know exactly what and how much people are stealing.

Source, 4 years working in retail.

Get off your soapbox and consider that myself and hundreds of thousands of people in my generation in this country can’t afford to rent our own places because of the insanely inflated cost of housing and food.

This story isn’t a shock to me. I think it’s a problem, sure, but in the context of our modern world this story seems much more like it’s intended as a distraction from the more systemic issues at hand.

Well, although that’s a perfectly fine problem to investigate, I just don’t really care. I really can’t imagine that this is being boosted for any other reason than conservatives still being butthurt that they have a social responsibility to not spread disease.

I’m lost. What’s the problem with ArriveCan? The last time I heard people complaining about it was years ago because they were upset about their freedumb to be plague rats.

What leftist politicians are in a position of power? Trudeau is on the right, he’s just comparatively further left than PP or Harper.

But conservatives do nothing if not fall in line. And a good portion of modern conservatives are actually just fascist and cryptofascist. That’s what I’m scared of.

No more than the States. This is our Hillary Clinton moment. I’m a little too blinded by fear to be able to accurately judge PP’s actual election chances so I guess we’ll have to see if history will repeat itself.

That’s not the point. Nonfunctional public transit means THEY (NIMBYs) will experience more traffic. There’s even selfish reasons to support public transit.

Nope. Behaviour like this is inherently anti-social. I’m personally for creating a stronger community and this works against that.

I don’t have a big issue with supervised consumption sites, but they are treating the symptom not the problem. The actual solution is helping these people build up the desire to have a life again, which involves giving them a place to stay so they can actually get a job and a bank account. But that’s incompatible with commodified housing.

PP doesn’t like the military at all, except when talking about it looks good for him. He literally wants to cut funding to it. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-armed-forces-military-nato-1.7258338

He thinks the military is “woke” presumably because we allow women and trans people to serve.

Seriously? Gen Z isn’t even dreaming of buying a house and we’re talking about this non issue? Gun violence in Canada is only a symptom.

This is honestly a useless article. No conservative will be swayed by it and it reads like liberal morality preaching.

Scapegoating Alberta isn’t going to slow the spread of fascism. You’re just sticking your head in the sand.

Sorry to break this to you but I’m from western Canada and I’ve never seen a sugar maple tree. Seen millions of pine trees though.