• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I’ve been using gsudo for a long time, its a game changer.

It’s funny, when you explain it, my IT hat goes on and I totally get it lol. I guess the context felt different enough that I didn’t get it. But I work with Windows domains all day and that’s exactly how DNS operates in that environment.

Ultimately I think for a tunnel you’ll end up with your records pointing to your VPS. So you’ll have a *.domain.tld CNAME record and maybe a @ CNAME record and your nginx server on the other end of the tunnel would handle the routing.

I saw this and I think it’s what I’m going to do too. I figure I can just configure it with my existing nginx information and go from there.

So here is a question: does it need to be a sub domain? Can’t I redirect all traffic to the VPS? If I wanted to host a HTML website at my root domain and have it served by nginx for example, couldn’t I do that?

I just see subdomain mentioned in the guides / tools I see but I don’t understand why exactly.

Current, most up-to-date guide on creating a VPS tunnel.
I know that I can use 3rd party services to set up a tunnel, like Cloudflare, but I'd like to implement this myself. I feel like every time I research this question I find all kinds of blogs / form posts across the timescape on the topic, and I'm just looking for whatever might be the most current or recommended best method of configuring a VPS tunnel. I'm behind a CG-Nat which is why I want to set one up. If you've done this recently yourself, where did you get your info from? Thanks!

Software updates monitor/notifications
What are you using to keep informed of new software versions? Most of what I'm looking to track is open source and on GitHub but some isn't. Getting alerts via Google chat or slack or email would be cool. Not sure if this is even something that exists at the moment.

Don’t join the largest instances then. Lemmy.world is over loaded and mastodon.social is historically overloaded.

looking for self-hosted “readability” service.
Like instapaper or Firefox's readability function. Something I can pitch a url too and get back a stripped down version of the article with a shareable URL. No idea if this exists.

Haha this comment is keeping it real. That’s a good point. I’ve never looked into a plexshare before. I’ll have to look it up.

Pokemon is driving me to want a Plex Server.
My 2.5 year old loves watching classic Pokemon. I'll be honest, so do I. But have you tried doing that? It's fucking insane. - The first half of S1 is on Netflix - The second half is on Amazon but you need an extra subscription to watch it. - The theird season (johto) is also Amazon. - The 4th is no where but Archive.org of all places... Which is called Johto Champions, so it really feels like the end of the season but it's another 52 episodes! You would think pokemon.com would have all this (they have a lot, and it's all free) but they don't! Seeing S4 (is that even right?) On Archive.org is really pushing me to want to build a Plex server. Having all this content in one place would be very nice. I do IT work by day, and I have some older 2TB platter drives from a retired camera server laying around. What's the easiest way to get my foot in the door? Do I save up some $$ for a Synology box? Love to get your input!