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  • 13 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 14, 2023


So is the case against the two Canadians going to be prosecuted in Canada as well?

There can’t be any corruption in the process if the process doesn’t move! taps forehead

Congratulations! 1 more country to beat the threshold requirement (after the Netherlands whose threshold seems will be crossed imminently). France and Ireland seem like solid contenders.

If there’s a glimmer of hope I have despite the current >99% CPC majority projection, is that Canadian youth will look to the US, see how much the outlook changes between June and November to know what is possible with an engaged electorate and the appropriate leader to match.

What we’ve got to figure out here is either how we can remove FPTP or come out with a proper plan to vote strategically. Like look at this fucking “Leans Conservative” riding. A massive hunk of bullshit, I tell you.


Edit: I missed a word

I supposed you could say he set a trap and it sprung, but I think this more of the NDP taking a stand on the Rail strike arbitration issue.

Strategically, this a move that I think shows to the Canadian labour bloc, that actions like what the Liberal minister did to the rail workers don’t go without consequences. Singh can harp on, consoling and hugging union leaders if he wants but rescinding the agreement is one big step above just talk that is within the NDP’s power.

Last week, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre called on Singh to pull out of the agreement.

Calling Singh’s statement a “media stunt” in a post on X, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre criticized the NDP leader for not saying whether he will vote non-confidence in the government at the earliest opportunity.

Conservatives moving goalposts constantly… colour me surprised until I’m blue in the face.

This is what mods are meant for… to bring a beautiful setting and game engine to its limits beyond what story and gameplay could be crammed in at release.

It always has to be right on holidays when these breakdowns happen, doesn’t it?

Yeah if we spend half as much but get only 1/4 as much done that’s not a success.

Spending 50% more to initiatives that inflate the value of real estate as our GDP is not good either.

Two bills of interest on this are C-244 and C-294, both amendments to the Copyright Act. The first is to allow circumvention of technological protection measures to diagnose, maintain or repair, and the second is to allow the same to make one computer software program or embedded device interoperable with another.

Both bills are 5 out of 6 steps done from becoming law but they need to before the next election, else it will be delayed even more.

Government of Canada launches consultation on right to repair to better meet Canadian consumers’ needs
I figured that right to repair is a topic many of us are interested in. The survey below by ISED Canada, a department of the Government of Canada, is open until September 26, 2024. >Canadians can provide their input at the following link: https://ised-isde.survey-sondage.ca/f/s/RTR

We need to keep the Heritage Foundation, Project 2025, and everyone involved in attempting to make this a reality firmly implanted in everyone’s mind to remember that this will be their goal in 2025, 2029 and beyond, we can’t lose sight of those consequences of a future fascist Republican administration. Even if Democrats cinch the legislative and executive branch there is still part of the judicial branch compromised by Trump apointees who believe bullshit theories to excuse keeping policies in that hurt people so there will be ongoing work to be done.

50k per day would be a start but even that wouldn’t even be enough to cover the true external costs of incidents like this on our ecosystem.

Remember, the Conservatives’ platform is to not do anything Trudeau is. Trudeau says he is taking it seriously.

Labour Minister MacKinnon has announced he is imposing final binding arbitration with the CIRB (Canadian Industrial Relation Board) between the two parties.


  • Issuing Binding Arbitration
  • Demanding Resumption of Activities
  • Extending Existing Collective Agreements

Canada Rail Lockout - Federal government sends rail dispute to binding arbitration
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/27490241 > CN and CPKC locked out employees across Canada on Thursday 22 Aug 2024, due to a labour dispute between them and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference.

As long as it can pass Canadian safety regulations (so I won’t try to buy one through a back-channel import), I’d be fine with it.

Honestly I’d trust Chinese manufacturers more to just give me the basics of just driving and less of the unnecessary frills that make it a data hogging iPad on wheels.

A penny saved embezzled is a penny earned!

Very helpful advice for anyone who can’t afford food presently and had in the past lived within their means. Saving up beer money for a month could get you, what, 1 gram of gold at best?

Instead of your plan, poor families should have put any extra savings into S&P500 index funds every year, forgoing a smartphone, any celebrations, gestures of good will, and occasional comforts of life (and not to mention any unexpected big expenses) to feed market forces. They’d be in a great spot today for sure.

police said he matched the description of a driver who…

Officer shoots first black dude he finds. It’s the North American police protocol, of course.

Yep. It’s absolutely poor people’s fault for not being able to save up anything for food and other monthly expenses when the prices of basic items have risen 10%, 20% or more over the last handful of years, because tHeY hAvE a SmArTpHonE!


That sounds like Petersfield, MB needs one bus service to Winnipeg at the least. Your town’s transportation department shouldn’t be dependent on the extreme goodwill of one person.

Love the guy holding the coffee just going through acting like the water’s just a regular occurrence delaying him from where he needs to be.

CN and CPKC, I love ya, but no one’s going to buy the bullshit that stalling and pushing for binding arbitration is what constitutes being serious and engaging meaningfully at the negotiating table.

Past growth performance gave me good reason to expect that I would make money, too! But now I’m not! Government, help meeeeee!

Oh look! An actual reasonable conservative party rather than the Trump Party Annex. Sure there’s some populist sort of stuff on the platform but it is refreshing at least.

I don’t mind if it siphons some fiscally hawkish liberal support from Trudeau and socially inclusive conservative support from Poilievre. We do need alternatives.

Voluntary donations to the government to pay down debt or for any other purpose, does not and should not absolve the highest earners in the province from paying their fair share for the services everyone benefits from.

I’m not sure, but the conservative/Republican position is painting anything liberals and progressives want as Communism, and the liberal position has been about establishing a compromise between the conservative and progressive position.

The Biden administration is met with opposition lobbyists and lawsuits by the industries whose greed they try to tackle, which is what is why little has changed so far. A favourable and progressive Congress makeup following this year’s election could really push these policies through. That means that grassroots pressure must be kept beyond just the November election.

The Ontario Court of Appeal said in a 114-page decision released Friday that there’s a need for a higher threshold justifying a search of travellers’ phones, tablets and laptops, after concluding the current law violates the right to be free from unreasonable searches guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Well, well. I’m glad that the courts in Canada have their head screwed on correctly.

I’ve reflected on it for some time, I agree that getting overconfident will be the Democrat’s downfall but we also shouldn’t underestimate the new meme energy that is being infused into the campaign, and particularly that is making the Trump campaign squirm so hard.

My hot take is that “Weird” will keep working as long as it keeps bothering Trump and the GOP, which could be right up to the election.

Yeah, I’m familiar with some aspects of consulting, and consulting in government and some large organizations is kind of crazy. It’s really appealing that for a “competitive price” government workers can be even lazier than they would be doing the work themselves, because they leave the “thinking” part to consultants.

Problem is that competency has left the public service, because pay is more lucrative from these contracts, except for manager types. But it’s to such an extent that the government cannot make decisions that they are supposed to be making, and so the contractors really only can do stuff that seems pleasing to the contracting manager, so you end up with solutions like “digitize”, “make things go faster”, “AI”, which are dumb and obvious to knowledgeable people and journalists, but specific and proper solutions can’t be vetted at a technical level by the people in charge though they needed to be. Or the managers get caught up on useless parts of it and miss out on the better parts. Or they are so indecisive and influenced by one or more contractors, that ultimately, the laziest crowdpleaser solutions are adopted.

With consolidation of firms the problems are multifold. Look at what happened with MNP and the BC clean energy program: the same consulting firm can play all sides so they always come out on top, as the judge, jury, lawyers and executioner of a money-distributing process.

This problem is pervasive and not limited to governments/public services, though there are numerous instances. If you think Conservatives are going to fix this you are misguided, it will only funnel more money to contractors and the people of Canada get less for it.

r/metaCanada was super right wing, honestly I think r/Canada had some of the same tendencies and moderation, making them right wing, them being a default canada sub is silly to me, but I’m not on reddit anymore so whatever. r/Onguardforthee was Canada’s more leftwing subreddit, closer to Lemmy’s !Canada@lemmy.ca

In real life Canada, provinces of BC, ON, QC and some of the maritimes lean left generally, SK, AB lean right (like the Montana and Texas of Canada). Cities lean a lot more left but outlying suburbs tend to lean right.

Toronto and Vancouver have let in lots and lots of immigrants and refugees (about the same as the US despite being 1/10th the size), which is great but it does put pressure on housing, wages and other supports. The problems are more a failure of housing policy and use of Temporary Foreign Worker plan to intentionally pay Canadians less, than it is the fault of the immigrants.

We are culturally diverse, yet there are some voices from people including those who are first or second generation immigrants that oppose immigration (pulling up the ladder behind them). Now there are some aspects of foreign culture I don’t wish to import that immigrants will need to discard (caste discrimination for example) but in other respects, diversity is our strength and it’s what makes us Canada. Not the colour of our skin.

The boycott did certainly have an effect whether business analyst Wong or anyone at Loblaws wants to admit it or not. They missed their targets.

I’m not going to buy anything from Shoppers, T&T, Loblaws or NoFrills anymore for as long as I can.

Unknown location, B.C. is such a nice place to visit in the summer.

You’d hope that women can see that having pussy-grabber Trump in power is a bad idea. Whether Biden leads it, Harris, Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders, whoever will be a better alternative than any Republican. Do people really think that getting shot in the ear or fumbling for words makes for a good or bad policy platform? This is an election to determine the fate of the country, and it’s being covered like this is the tryouts for next year’s circus performers.

If every eligible woman-identifying voter went to the polls to vote Democrat, there would be no question as to whether America validates a blatantly misogynist platform. There’d be none of this, “Does my vote mean anything?” Get out the vote.

This ruling makes me glad that a Project 2025 and a similar legal hellscape in the US will not happen here in Canada, at least not unless Poilievre hatches a plan to replace our current Supreme Court with political hacks. We will have time to stop that but keep your eyes open over the next few years.

Who here’s committed to not shop at Loblaws’ companies this month (and beyond)?
Including their brandname chains: * Atlantic Cash & Carry * Atlantic Superstore * Axep * Bloor Street Market * Dominion * Les Entrepôts Presto * Extra Foods * Fortinos * Freshmart * L'Intermarché * Loblaws / Loblaw GreatFood / Loblaws CityMarket * Lucky Dollar Foods * Maxi / Maxi & Cie * NG Cash & Carry * No Frills * Provigo * Real Canadian Superstore * Shop Easy Foods * Shoppers Drug Mart / Pharmaprix * SuperValu * T & T Supermarket * Valu-mart * Wholesale Club / Club Entrepôt * Your Independent Grocer / Independent CityMarket * Zehrs Markets Yes there are other big oligopoly chains like metro, Sobeys/Safeway, Pattison, but I think it's best to start with one major chain to see how much coordinated action can affect them.

Train #641 is being introduced starting May 27th, 2024, which departs Ottawa at 4:15, Kingston at 6:15, arriving in Toronto at 8:48am, which would be useful for anyone trying to get into a Toronto downtown office at 9am.

9 people charged in Pearson airport gold heist - City News Toronto
They found and caught some of the perpetrators of the gold heist last year at Pearson, some of whom were in the illegal arms trafficking market. Spoiler: It wasn't [Russell Oliver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSQVVHyvOZU)

Here's a table I adapted from [Louis Rossman's video on the levels of piracy, grey areas and his morals and ethics on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yo8av6w4sc&t=540). ([spreadsheet file](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w8hshsrf8babxqgpt5vzu/level-of-piracy-table.ods?rlkey=4xqtfcu2au3qil3icf8edic0v&dl=0)) I tried to condense each rank and make it less about a specific type of media like CD audio or DVD video, along with a table of simplified characteristics of each situation. Of course more levels can be added and there are many situations not covered. This hierarchy is simply the way Louis ordered it from more to less justifiable; he respects people can think about it differently and I do too. He suggests that he doesn't really care about people that pirate without giving a shit about creators, and that he only has a problem with people who aren't honest with themselves about their motivations. Setting legality aside, what 'level of piracy' is morally or ethically acceptable to you?

[Humor] Dunkey’s Guide to Streaming Services
Videogamedunkey, a movie buff, game critic and jokester put out a humorous video guide on how to find your favourite shows across the healthy array of paid streaming subscription services. [Another Piped mirror link](https://piped.kavin.rocks/watch?v=yvhv7bgmz64)

You may want to know that Ubisoft’s Rocksmith® 2014 Edition will be de-listed from Steam and other online stores after October 23rd, 2023 which is one week from this post date. This is a game that makes learning to play the guitar like Guitar Hero/Rockband, which can score you or let you slowly practice a part with scrolling fret indicators. Now, it’s not on sale or anything (hasn’t been for a couple years), there might be W11 issues (I’m using Win 10 and Linux computers), and you’ll need a real guitar and either a mic or special USB cable to properly play the game. However, after this date you won’t be able to purchase this game anymore unless you buy from a key-seller or a retail CD copy. Of course, Ubisoft is going to replace this 40 CAD game with a subscription service model called Rocksmith+ which is 20 CAD per month and not available on Steam. On the other hand, RS2014 works without the need of a Uplay account and can be played offline (Just press Esc twice at the signin screen). Now there are 1555 DLCs available but they will eventually be delisted as well at some point in the future but you won’t be able to get them without the base game. The only DLC you will “need” is the [Cherub Rock DLC](https://store.steampowered.com/app/248750/Rocksmith_2014__The_Smashing_Pumpkins___Cherub_Rock/) because of… Custom DLC is a community created mod that lets you play user-created and converted maps. By default it uses the DLC ID of Cherub Rock which is why you need it, but this is configurable if you really don’t want to spend 4 CAD. There are tens of thousands of Custom DLC songs available online so you will be hard pressed to run out of new ones to try.

For people used to milk in jugs, how do you keep it from spilling/bursting?
Hey Lemmy, I recently moved from Ontario, land of bagged milk to BC where they don't. So for the second time since moving, my fresh unopened 4L jug of milk made a small puddle in my fridge *before* opening it. Does anyone have any tricks to prevent that from happening? Do I just have to enjoy a fresh glass right after returning from the grocery store?

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/1543761 > Got this from a post on the alien site. From previous discussion on Lemmy it sounded like Linux users had good things to say about this game but were discouraged about the upcoming FaceIt implementation such that they wouldn't be able to join anticheat enabled matches. Those users and Linux gamers on the fence would probably appreciate hearing this news. > > With this announcement on the dev team's community Discord, it appears Linux users will NOT lose access to matches with anticheat. > > Source: https://discord.com/channels/303681520202285057/345616096470237186/1129780379218358282 > (BattleBit Remastered official Discord server)

ACE Hits Hundreds of Pirate Streaming Sites By Shutting Down 2Embed - TorrentFreak
Bad news for many pirate streaming sites using that API endpoint. Copycat libraries for 2Embed are out there, so they may recover if the site owners bother to switch.

CRA strike ends after union reaches tentative deal with Ottawa
Now all bargaining units of PSAC have reached a tentative deal, to be detailed and voted on by members. From [psacunion.ca](https://psacunion.ca), one notable difference I noticed between this and the other agreements was an increased flexibility in working hours, allowing members to request beginning their work day as early as 6 am.