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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


Live in a fairly rural area of Canada, the hospital closest to me closes at night. No new patients can come in. They are too understaffed. They used to let in serious emergencies but they don’t anymore. So it’s better to call 911 than to drive someone to a hospital yourself.

If I call 911, they send us to one of the hospitals about twice the distance away. It’s not super far thankfully, 40mins instead of 20 but still.

Again, what is your solution ? It’s unrealistic to expect everyone everywhere will never have an event, etc ever again for the rest of time. Be it a house party or otherwise, the risk is always there. There are consequences to every action but if we care about every consequence like that… it’s honestly better to just end all our lives right here. It would be the most net positive action we can take. But that isn’t a viable solution either, is it? How do we get everyone to agree to committing suicide?

You’re saying a lot of angry words but providing no solutions or suggestions. You’re basically being that old man yelling at clouds. We are social creatures and most people can’t live in complete isolation forever. Even if we try to, our societies just aren’t built for that. People who try often starve to death.

What do you suggest though? Never host another concert, event, festival, etc ever again? You aren’t safe in outside events either - I got my case at an outdoor event.

You’ve always took that risk to go to such events. There’s always an uptick in colds after major ones. Sometimes people are aware thst they feel sick, other times they are asymptomatic but a carrier.