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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 01, 2023


Dirt cheap actually. But still I’m setting up a self hosted version. I suppose that’s why we’re here.

No background but I can read and listen. There are plenty of resources around.

I started out of privacy concerns and I wanted to deGoogle It started this year with a RPI and pihole. Then I saw Mealie, bought a domain, and started sharing recipes with my family.

At first I messed around with Casa OS. It’s like a gateway drug. So easy to use and get stuff running.

Last week a 2nd hand i5 arrived and now I moved everything to proxmox. The RPI is still running pihole. At the moment I’m setting up Immich and I’m thinking about buying a NAS.

Since it is a new hobby I keep everything low cost. If it sticks I’ll invest in a proper home server.

The problem that I see is that if they one day decide to use that domain, they can force you into handing it over. Either legally or by extortion and suing you into the sky.

Both are unlikely but there is a chance.

I get it. That’s why I use Plus messenger. It’s a better, more customisable UI. Private chats, groups and channels are on a different page, if you want it.

Unfortunately I use Discord, WhatsApp, Signal, Element (Matrix) and SimpleX all combined because my contacts are spread out. Looking forward to secure interoperability.

  • You can schedule messages
  • Have supergroups, subgroups, broadcasts, admin roles in groups,…
  • Channels can be configured in various ways. For example, you can post messages and choose the type of previews links render.
  • You can add voting options to posts
  • Members of the channel can only reply in threads so the replies are bundled.
  • You can decide wheter new group members can view chat history or not.
  • Members can be muted.
  • Bots can be built withing the app
  • Chats can be arranged in folders *…

I could go on.