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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Feb 05, 2024


… all it can take is going to a website from a windows device… maybe less, it was literally discovered a couple days ago…

It’s not like having IPv6 enabled on a windows machine automatically makes it instantly exploitable by anyone out there.

Yes it actually kinda does, that’s why this exploit is considered the highest priority and critical.

But sure… downplay it, because we only think servers are at risk…

Yeesh buddy.

Great, so let’s suppress a warning because YOU are fine…

Maybe other people don’t realize the issue, but of course you aren’t thinking about anyone but yourself now aren’t you?

And now your entire system/network is vulnerable because of it. Great idea!

Any device on the network would make it vulnerable, what does a server have to do with anything?

Wouldn’t any windows device in your network be vulnerable? And from there everything else.

IPv6 was just found to have a critical exploit, and the solution is to disable it.

So the context of the parking lot would be required no? I see trucks nose in spots in Home Depot, but back into the grocery store.

It also depends on what you need that particular day. If I just need some small parts I can back in since I don’t to access my bed that trip.

I think you are reading far too much into that.

Edit. You can also back in and pull out 4 feet to load your bed, done that plenty too. Be more creative I guess.

Yep sorry didn’t mean to imply all/majority, just provide some insight. I used to work construction for commercial industrial general contractor. I saw ALL types in the various industries and businesses we dealt with and the range of contractors we used as well.

Lots of perspectives while having to “break bread” with some of them.

I’ve forgotten to take my ball off before, it happens, no one is immaculate.

No… I’ve had truck owners ask me why I don’t leave mine on to protect my truck or make it worse for others. I just roll my eyes and walk away, because you can’t reason with them, like what’s happening in the comment chain here.

Also comes down to monkey see monkey do too I find.

Nope, but you still get it if you haven’t used it for a week or something. People seem to think you need to use it 100% of the time to justify it or something.

So you do need that diagram don’t you? If the answer isn’t yes/no I’m going to block you.

Im not feeling insulted, why are you suggesting that? I said the hell is with the insults, which you did use, or do you not understand the definitions of some of the words you used?

Good job not being a stereotypical truck owner lmfao. You are the reason why the rest of us who actually have work trucks get in shit, because you think a tow ball protects your truck from damage… when it’s an 6” for someone to hit when they could have stopped short….

So yeah, throw some more insults, that’ll show non-truck owners who we really are.

It still has to travel through 6” of towball before hitting the bumper, so it saves that cosmetic damage.

The hell is with the insults?

Edit, oh you’re on of those people that think the tow ball protects your truck from damage, which it doesn’t. Hence you thinking I was insulting you in my original comment.

So a better example would be, you would get damaged if the vehicle stopped 2” short of your bumper, since you have something g attached to your frame sticking 6”. Does that makes sense to you now? I can provide a picture to show the differences with and without a towball on a bumper.

Yep, but that’s also 6 more inches to get through until the bumper. The problem being it removes the crumple zone the bumper has and makes the force entirely in your frame instead. It will also almost always hit the radiator of the vehicle hitting them doing significant damage.

They leave it there as assholes, while also not actually protecting their own vehicle, other than cosmetically, they’ll do more structural damage instead.

Hence the moron part.

#2 and #3 from the front show zero visible signs of wear.

The moronic thought process is less damage will be done to their vehicle when it hits the tow ball, and it’ll do more damage to the vehicle that hit them. Since they deserve it for hitting them.

Only thing worse is those motor homes, some you need a “Q” air endorsement for the brakes, but that’s it.

Yes there are a lot of people who get them for stuff that can be grabbed with a car more or less. 6 bags of concrete and some 2x4s can easily be gotten in a car infrequently.

And yes I likely could make a car/trailer work, but some sites are off-roading more or less. So even if you’re a lackey, sometimes the site just requires more than a car and other options than a truck aren’t as practicable or convenient.

Yeah every could go and a rent truck 3 times a week. But that’s just silly after a point, and yeah sure there is sometimes you don’t need it for 2 months as well. That’s reality.

Way safer to pull out too, way too many blind spots backing out.

I shake my head at any car/truck/van/vehicle that pulls front in into a driveway, harder to see pedestrians or traffic when backing out, but you can see everything while backing in.

Some municipalities ban tow balls when not towing a trailer atleast, so you shouldn’t see this.

Part of it is the rig jobs give you a bonus to buy a truck to get to rig sites. They don’t account for all the trucks, but a good portion.

I have a truck myself, instead of a car and needing to a rent truck/trailer weekly for my work. It’s big enough for my kids and to haul most of my work stuff.

Source on the emissions? Thanks.

Edit Found a source Alberta is 5th even with the oil and gas industry tipping the scales their way.

But even if they and their country do everything right, the rest of world may (isn’t) and it’s going to be more or less the same anyways.

But even if they and their country do everything right, the rest of world may (isn’t) and it’s going to be more or less the same anyways.

What do you expect them do on an individual or even municipal level? It’s a global issue.

Even if they sell, they would be negligent to not inform future buyers of the future flood risk. People aren’t going to want to buy, and now they stuck with a property that’s eventually going to wash away and they can’t do a thing about it themselves.

Or if you’re not in the path of totality…. The risk just isn’t worth it.

Let’s just not look up at the bright thing in the sky that can cause permanent damage at any given time.

Seems like a simple folley, the person I responded to said it was a floppy (it’s two layers of “mesh”?) and couldn’t remember the computer icons. Details get fuzzy, I had no idea and was curious so I just looked it up. I’ve got no horse here.

First image I could find of the desktop and there is computer icons right there.

If dragging one of those to wastebasket at the bottom right crashed the computer, it would fit the description of the event.

There’s a pretty big difference between temporary pain and permanent damage though.

Unless you royally fuck up walking on coals you get some pain, fuck up a little and you just get some blisters.