Reddit Refugee

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


Don’t worry Donnie. We’re all dying just a little bit more each day.

Life: It’s terminal.

How many of them are the “It’s not a religion, it’s a personal relationship with Jesus,” types?

I’m on some text lists. There are definitely some people putting out feelers for Kamala. Got a couple requests for surveys about it.

Worth adding that “unemployment” in this context just means people who are claiming unemployment benefits, a things that runs out, and when they run out, they no longer are counted by it.

✋ This is where I’ve been for the past year and a half.

Watts was reportedly turned into police by a nurse. Of roughly 1,400 cases where people were criminalized for their pregnancies between 2006 and 2022, one in three cases were instigated by a medical professional, according to an analysis of the cases by the reproductive justice group Pregnancy Justice.

What a motherfucking bunch of evil assholes!

The trial that has taken place over the last 44 days has no jury, and Engoron will directly determine the final penalties that will be leveled against the Trump family and its company.

Totally makes sense to verbally attack the one person who will make the decision, right?

So this is what “free speech absolutism” looks like, eh?

Why wouldn’t they be? There’s a reason that during my last couple of interview, my brain latched on to the Galactic Mermaid song from Carole and Tuesday. (Content warning, should you look it up: copious swears.)

I have been unemployed and looking for work for almost a year and a half. I detect no falsehoods in this video.

Yeah. It’s got no abstraction between the UI and the implementation. You just want to manage code versions, but to use Git, you need to learn how to manage history graphs.

And now we have the obligatory xkcd reference. 😁

Pretty certain it’s an intentional reference.

Has there been a single move by Republicans that didn’t draw praise from Russian media since Trump came on scene? The Republican party needs to register as a foreign agent.


Okay, but seriously: “Thief”. Why reimplement it if it’s already available in the language?

Well, this screenshot is the mobile version. Tapping anywhere in a textbox should bring the focus and start typing. All having extra lines does is make it more likely that the starting insertion point is a line or two below the start.

Even on desktop, I’m not aware of any text box behavior where you need to click on the correct line to bring the focus to the box.

Doesn’t seem like that would be described as “expected” though. Unless they mean “expected because we don’t give a shit.”

I suppose there is a difference between “expected” and “intended”.

The Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act were some of the federal laws waived by DHS to make way for construction that will use funds from a congressional appropriation in 2019 for border wall construction.

Fucking hell.

Love that the lead picture is Evers himself.

The man was taken into custody for openly carrying a firearm in the Capitol, which is against the law, Warrick said. Weapons can be brought into the Capitol if they are concealed and the person has a valid permit. The man arrested did not have a concealed carry permit, Warrick said.

See, now, if he just concealed it and didn’t give the Capitol police reason to search him, he could have stayed out of trouble. Personally, I’d rather know who is carrying a gun than have to guess.

At the very least barred from office as per the Fourteenth Amendment.

There could be something to say for both donating directly to Godot and trying to support Terraria in some form because you think they’re doing good.

It depends on how activist the Terraria devs are, though. If this donation is a one-of statement from them, supporting doesn’t make as much of a statement on your part.

I just remember McConnell’s reaction to his handling of Supreme Court nominees during Presidential election years. He is fully aware of his hypocrisy. And he practically revels in it.

Sounds like a “No Unity games on Game Pass” policy may be on the way.

Heh. That’s what was supposed to happen at my last job when the client left. But I was laid off a few days later anyway.

New York Times examination of mass shootings showed that a quarter of 433 different active shooting events examined (25.4 percent) ended with the assailant taking their own life. An FBI analysis from 2014 placed the figure at a higher rate, with 40 percent of mass shooters dying by suicide.

Does this also take into account “suicide by cop”, botched suicide attempts, or getting cold feet over a planned suicide? That is, even if only a quarter end in the killer commiting suicide, there are still plenty others who go into the shooting without plans to survive.

Conservative politicians like Pence have long argued that the death penalty serves as an effective method of deterring crime. But Pence’s comments are not backed by scientific evidence — indeed, in states where the death penalty is used as a form of punishment for capital crimes, murder rates are actually higher than they are in states without the death penalty.

Seems to me you got a bit of a “hanged for a sheep as well as a lamb” situation. Once someone has already committed a capital offense, there’s little deterrent to commit more, especially if one believes it can keep them from getting caught (e.g. eliminating witnesses).

What the hell? Why provide those details at all if you aren’t going to make sure they’re accurate?

Dangerous is not the same as tough. When toughness is necessary, then weakness is the dangerous trait.

Trump doesn’t joke. He doesn’t know how to.

Yeah, just get the inevitable out of the way, right?