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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 10, 2023


Oh Yay! Admittedly, I didn’t try it recently but I remember seeing an article that was down. If it’s back up, I’m glad to hear it.

Is torrent galaxy still down? That was my go to and sounds like I have to find another. I am a little worried if they keep bringing down the big ones like that, that we’ll be left with less choices and it’ll be more difficult.

I thought the EU has been pretty good on privacy so far. Of course the US is trying to duck it up.

Not to mention removing features, like Netflix removing the ability to download media.

That’s fair. The last paragraph I should have attributed to the Zionist thought instead of that commenter in particular. I mostly just wanted to demonstrate how the “They want to do an October 7th over and over again!” scare tactic leads to the genocidal thoughts and actions we see happening now. I was commenting while emotional, I’ll edit it so it’s not so harsh and personally aggressive.

Hamas is a response to Israeli violence and colonialism for the last 70 years. You can depose them but another group will rise up with arms to resist colonialism as long as Israel keeps doing the same thing. And they did before Hamas, so of course they will after. Plus, it will be even harder as these events drive recruitment for Hamas. America didn’t get rid of the Taliban by bombing Afghanistan for 20 years, either. It doesn’t work.

Israel has been occupying Gaza the whole time despite their rhetoric. They control all their infrastructure and built a big wall to keep them in, and control all travel in and out, plus they constantly spied on them with everything from drones to listening devices to taking random hostages and trying to get info out of them. Gaza doesn’t have control of their own food, power, trash, travel, water, sea territory, money, etc. That’s basically an occupation, no matter what they say. The only reason to need to take it a step farther and put troops on the inside instead of all along the wall outside is so they can kill more Palestinians.

The scare tactics of claiming they’ll never be safe is how you get a genocide, both now and in the past. It’s that thought in WW2 that leads to rhetoric like, “We tried to let them live in peace with these stars and putting them in their own spaces in towns, but they keep causing trouble. They even want to do a Warsaw Ghetto Uprising over and over again. We’re going to need to kill all the Jews, it’s just the only solution.”

So many of my searches lead to Microsoft forums where my exact issue is posted, MS asks for more information, then some auto-mod closes the issue because there wasn’t any further follow up and they can’t replicate it.

Ya, it’s strange, isn’t it? The more I hear about things like the retina scan thing for crypto thing you’re talking about or the complaints of his increased push for profitization over safety, the more he seems like a standard sucky tech bro CEO and I lean towards the canning being deserved. But I wish they’d have made it more clear.

Anyone know why they wouldn’t say why they fired him? An explanation would have really cleared a lot up.

This is why I still believe in physical media. While most of my purchases are digital nowadays, I consider them disposable basically. For movies and games I really care about and want to be able to keep, I like physical.