• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Thanks. That means I need to move all data off the hosts on to, say, a NAS - then the NAS becomes the single point of failure. Can I operate a swarm without doing that but still duplicate everything from host 1 to host 2, so host 2 could take over relatively seamlessly (apart from local DNS and moving port forwarding to nginx on the remaining host)?

Thanks. Can I use my existing, single Docker to start a new swarm, or do I have to start from scratch?

Thanks. Could I achieve a simple 2-host solution with Kubernetes though?

So you have Docker itself on a single host (with parts) and all the containers in fault tolerant storage, and the most work you’d have to do in the event of host drive failure is to re-install the OS and Docker itself?

Best approach for Docker resilience with two hosts
I'm running Docker on Ubuntu server; around 50 containers running, most admin via Portainer. Configuration files and small databases for container applications are stored on the local SSD, media and larger files are stored on a NAS. NAS data and the container folders are backed up. I have a second identical machine doing nothing. What would you recommend researching to add resilience to this setup? Top priority is quick and easy restoration should the SSD fail - everything else is relatively easy to replace. I'll create an SSD RAID but I like the idea of a second host.

I want my server to host a desktop that I can use remotely. Not for managing the server itself; like you describe, I use common tools for managing it.

I just need a desktop for a while - sometimes I want to work on a machine that’s not the one I’m physically using. At the moment I simply have an old desktop running Windows; I VPN to home and RDP to to the machine which works very well, but it seems a waste to have a machine running for this purpose only. I could add the machine to the swarm if I could host a desktop in Docker but that’s not really the intent of Docker and doesn’t yield great results.

kasm looks good, thanks - it’s definitely in the area; desktop as a service. I want something I can suspect and go back to, not sure if I can do that on kasm or not but a good tip, I’ll check it out.

This is not to manage or work on the server, I use terminal and web-based UIs for all of that.

This to host a desktop I can use remotely. Sometimes using my local desktop isn’t what I want to do; I might be running a lower power machine, or want to do something I can’t on the machine I’m actually using. Or I might want to use a remote Linux desktop from a Windows machine. Sometimes the other way around.

Very useful, reminds me of another browser based Linux manager I forget the name of. Not specifically what I’m trying to achieve but very handy to know, I’ll try it. Thanks.

RDP is fine but a brower stream is just as good if the performance works out, I’ll give it a look, thanks.

Desktop solutions for a self-hosted environment
Hi everyone I've got a capable Ubuntu server hosting Docker, using Portainer to manage many stacks and containers. I'm about to add a couple machines to a swarm for a little fault-tolerance. Before this, Docker was Windows hosted which gave me a useful addition; a handy remote desktop for those times when I wanted to do something remotely using a GUI at home. https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/rdesktop seems to work OK but I wondered if the community here have any suggested alternatives. Instead of running within Docker, has anyone simply installed a GUI on the Ubuntu host? Thanks in advance for your input.

And sugar. Off topic a bit, but my addiction is sugar and some reminders might make the occasional difference.