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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Sure, but deadlock isn’t exactly late. And if there’s a time when you want to add more developers, then an alpha when the game is still in the early stages is the best time to do so

I mean, they’re not gonna stop developing deadlock once it comes out. It’s likely gonna be a decade long project at least. More hands won’t hurt.

You know what? You can find enough concrete shit from just reading his twitter for 5 minutes. Stuff posted in the last few weeks.

This is just a lot about people’s reactions to something, but nothing about what that something actually was

It’d be nice to see what the actual something was so one could judge for themselves

Edit: I took a look at his twitter, and he seems to be pro-trump and anti-kamala and anti-walz, calling him a socialist who let Minneapolis burn, as well as transphobia thrown in here and there and more that I didn’t bother to read

…so I’m gonna go with “the people’s reactions to him likely had a point”

average person would be able to understand the MD5 checksum

Well, it ought to be just yet another skill in the modern world such as reading, critical thinking, media literacy, paying your taxes, etc. I think just saying “average person won’t understand this” is a bit of a cop out. Like, yes, you’re right, but there is no other way around this, it needs to be implemented as a core feature in social media, the verifications of origins.

This stuff isn’t just going to get better by itself. AI will only get better at faking as time goes on.

Yeah I’m sure they’ll look the other way if you pay 1.5x the market price

I guess because the Gen Z comp sci students are the people who are truly fluent in computers. We were immersed in the internet and digital technology from a young age, but also had the curiosity to go beneath the surface of them, and get a real understanding of how things work. Most people just use the technology superficially, even if they have grown up with the internet and computers.

The “extremes” here being “social justice” and “anti-social justice”

…I’m gonna side with the social justice side here.

Part of language (which memes are a part of) is changing it to express new ideas and new forms of humor.

While yes, the true issue here is that, for some reason, the code only imports the remove method from the package, instead of importing the package and doing rembg.remove().

And if you have the game downloaded, you still have the files. Just as much as you have a disk.

On the other hand, disks stop being produced far sooner than digital games stop being sold/hosted.

So the issue is about having DRM, not whether it’s sold on physical media or not. Digital games don’t necessarily need to have DRM either.

Well, you can make copies of digital media too.

Sure, there’s DRM, but it doesn’t matter whether it’s digital or physical in that instance, DRM can be added either way.

I compare them to good indie games, and in that sense most AAA games are bland rehashed kitchen sinks that all look and play the same. It’s boring.

This is standard practice in anti-cheat methodology, and is generally agreed upon to result in much more positive long-term outcomes.

I feel like console exclusivity is starting to become a thing of the past. PC is getting less ignored, and a lot of GTA V later success was due to PC multiplayer, I believe?

“Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway.”

“what’s so hard about Facebook, anyway”

I highly doubt it would have cost much to preserve a few of the original tapes.

Linux is designed to be able to do group policies like that very well

Remember, Linux originates back from the terminal days, and the vast majority of servers run Linux. If any OS is made to function well in large organizations, it’s Linux. Windows is popular on desktop for reasons other than better group policies.

Serverless sounds like a terrible name for this lmao.

Why not remote functions or something like that.

Indeed. And the machine code is created as part of the physical CPU design.

I wish it was easier to find quality clothes. Nearly every piece of clothing I find has synthetics mixed in.

I would gladly pay a lot more for good, ethical, quality clothes.

Good. Free and Open Source Software should be the standard.

Hopefully I don’t need to point you towards the endless list of enshittification for why.

I feel like this is already the case, and has been for years. Few AAA games interest me these days, especially the ones coming out of the biggest studios like EA, Ubisoft, Activision-Blizzard, etc. The only recent one was Baldur’s Gate 3, but that by itself is an exception to the norm.

Most AAA games are just complete soulless profit generators. It often feels as if any fun and experimental things get taken out because it would involve too much “risk”, and stand in the way of earning money, instead of trying to make a good or fun or unique game. Instead they are just being made for as wide of a mass appeal as possible, allergic to anything that could make the game a little more interesting and niche.

Smalltalk is still being used? That’s really surprising honestly.

People are free to continue using proprietary software, but you can’t then continue to complain when they inevitably do another shitty thing in the name of profit.

No wonder people are promoting FOSS, what else do you want to happen? I really don’t get why people are so hostile to FOSS, it’s literally for your own long-term benefit. How many more projects have to enshittify before people get it?

Sounds like those game developers are about to become unemployable without further education

Also, I don’t really know how one can be a good developer without that necessary foundation. Maybe you can use a tool, but how would you know what to do with it…?

In what way? There are plenty other RPGs that I prefer over Bethesda games.

…and honestly, some of those are old school ones. I feel like there’s just some things always missing from Bethesda’s newer titles.

Just because you don’t like inventory management doesn’t mean others don’t.

as boring as my actual job

Again, subjective, considering the popularity of job simulator games, like truck sim.

Here’s another question though

“Would I like this game more if I didnt have my cool item right now?”

Hard to say yes… But in practice the answer might very well be yes. Challenge in games is rarely something you directly ask for, you want the reward after all, but often the fun is in exactly overcoming those obstacles, and not actually the reward. In that sense encumbrance might feel bad… but being able to grab every single item always could very well ruin part of the fun.

In the end games are sets of challenges presented in certain ways, and its just whether those challenges work well from a game design perspective.

I don’t see older games being rated lower as a problem. Yes standards rise over time as games and technology gets better, that’s fine! If you took a mediocre modern AAA game and showed it to a reviewer 20 years ago, I’ll bet all my money it would be game of the year.

It makes more sense to let standards rise and adjust reviews to still keep a reasonable rating scale.

Here’s a big question though

What’s the difference between predatory tactics to hook people into a game, and “normal” gameplay, whatever that is? If neither cost any money or have microtransactions in any way?

Is Diablo 2 using predatory mechanics? Is Counter Strike? Is Factorio?

Games are artificial constructs. If you deconstruct them entirely, unless they got some story to tell as the center point of the game, their mechanics and goals are entirely artificial and constructed to get you to keep playing, be engaged, and have fun, whatever that means and implies.

Because, well, in the end, games do not have a grand purpose. Their purpose is entertainment(or be art, but not all games have that goal). And so if vampire survivors keep you engaged and enjoy the game… Is that really that much different to other games? Another example to this are idle/incremental games, as a pure distillation of what games are. Are they predatory? Is there really much difference from the very core of other, more “proper”, games?

Do you think it’s going to be significantly less than in other places? What would be the reason for that?

The price of housing that my eyes see from text in the visible spectrum doesn’t agree. Or the lack of water during intense heatwaves. Or the lack of snow in winter.