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Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Because they don’t care about their workers ? Do we really want cars made by Chinese slaves ? Like we do with our t-shirts ? Fuck no.

Why not subsidize electric bike Jesus Christ. Why the fuck are we subsidizing the auto industry, they got us by the fucking balls already.

Sorry but that is idiotic.

Late stage capitalism is much more hidden and affects part of the society you wouldn’t consider.

An example of late stage capitalism is how we don’t have time to make families anymore. It is much cheaper to bring in immigration than to allow men and women to fuck around and raise children instead of working.

Late stage capitalism will fuck with how you, as an individual, can start your own business. Look at how subburbs are made and regulated. You can’t start a small business in here. You gotta go to the designated area which is owned by big box company. The only place is downtown which is now so fucking expensive, you can’t even get in. He’ll, you are not even allowed to build a small coffee shop for your neighbors for Christ’s sake.

International economy is another factor. Look, we had a lot of industry workers in textile, electronics and other industries. Where are they now ? In China, India and other countries because we don’t have to care about these people work place condition. Do you even know how much a t-shirt should cost normally? It’s not supposed to be 4.99$.

This conservative vs liberal is a distraction. Liberals and Conservatives are actively pushing late stage capitalism. It’s a joke. You think Pierre is gonna stop immigration? lol, that’s what late stage capitalism wants. Immigrants that are easy to fuck with because they need a job to stay in this country. It’s horrible.

Pierre or Justin aren’t gonna do any of this social shit. They both want to get those juicy economics number up because that’s a good argument to get re-elected.

Canada is the second largest country. I say we make it THE largest country. Let’s split Russia into many more country. Let’s do it. Let’s ets go.

If you only work at a temporary place for example. You don’t want to bother caring for a house. You want to be able to move whenever you like. You can’t afford a loan or you can’t get one. You cannot guaranty that you will work in the near future.

A mortgage is something that will lock you down to a place. Buying a plac is also something that lock you down. You wanna move to another town for a new job ? Sell the house, buy a new one. That sucks. It’s faster to just rent for a while then maybe buy something after.

The problem are not landlord… At least, not traditional one. It’s because we treat a basic need as an investment. A home should not be an investment. It should be something like a car, it should depreciate with time.

Another thing is NIMBY. Preventing new construction project to protect your investment is another cause of this shitshow.

Another thing is urbanism rule. Homeowner should be allowed to build something on their land instead of playing the lawn competition every year.

Solve these and the landlord thing is gone. The landlord outrage is a distraction from the real plague. It’s just a symptom. Of course a landlord will raise the price if it can, that’s how a market works. Landlord can raise the price because we don’t construct enough. That is the real outrage and that’s what we should focus on. Not this shitty ragebait dividing piece of false problem.

Renting is useful for so many reason. Not everyone wants to take care of a house or can afford one.

If you camp somewhere and you’re not allowed, expect to be thrown out I guess ?

This is always how it ends up. That’s the point of the protest. Make as much noise as you can to denounce the genocide.

They should resist as much as they can and come back a week later.

Yea, I would assume Canada is not breaking Geneva convention here. Just assessing what kind of people are in the country. Unless I missunderstood, they are not excluding these people because they gave medical attention to Hamas soldier/activist.

Hamas is considered a terrorism organization by Canada. 70%+ of Palestiniens support Hamas. I don’t think it would be normal to not ask questions to Palestinians, especially what they did in Egypt and Jordan.

You wouldn’t want Hamas activism in Canada. Even if the Genocide must be stopped, Hamas still cold bloodily killed 1200 civilians.

Like, imagine having Hamas activism in Canada. They wouldn’t just protest. They would probably be much more violent.

Feel free to make your own research. I will never in a million years install TikTok or any of their related applications on any of my systems. It’s just… untrustworthy.

I worked at a security firm that did check their code base.

One thing that was chilling was that it seemed that the source code was able to remotely execute arbitrary code.

It’s more than just stealing your tiktok data.

This doesn’t feel truth to me. The genocide in Gaza is happening but this story feels way too biased. This story is just unbelievable and if it was truth, this person would be able to file a complaint. This feels like propaganda.

I would never go back installing something without docker. Never.

Having read the history of this conflict, I can’t see any other outcome than a bloodbath. Israel won’t stop until Hamas is eradicated and Hamas won’t stop until Israel is obliterated.

lol, good arguments my dude. Touch some grass and get back in reality.

That’s the sad reality we live in. You look like a criminal or a drug addict ? Then doors are gonna be closed on you. That’s exactly why I’m saying housing should be coop or gov owned.

Read my comments again and understand what I’m saying before commenting. It’s not what you think it is. Learn to fucking read moron.

What lol? I’m not complaining, I’m explaining why a landlord would t want someone like him. Can you read or comprehend what’s going on?

It’s not the same thing but you don’t know the other person. You only see a dude with a lot of tattoo, no girlfriend, a child. He can’t find any appartment because of his looks and track record. His credit is probably shit. We don’t know the reason why he can’t stay there. Why wouldn’t the landlord allow it is strange. In any case, housing market that is too privately owned will cause this shit. Private owner cannot take asamy risks as a co-op or a gov founded place.

The good solution is more co-op housing and low income housing. The housing market is fucked, a good portion of it is privatized. The landlord may be shitty but who would want to take the risk to lose their assets because they let someone that does not care about anything into their appartment? I did this mistake once, helping someone I didn’t know. Weird dude, low income but hey, everyone is different. I almost had to sell my property because the dude wrecked the place. He was beating his girlfriend, smoking weed inside, making noise, breaking all the rules, you name it. But man, the dude looked pretty normal, a bit weird but overall, normalish.

It’s not fair for everyone because landlord cannot take too many risk. Someone that looks shady like this guy won’t have many chances in the private market. Ideally, housing market shouldn’t be a market. It should be something else because like me, I wouldn’t take a guy like this in my property and the reason is I don’t want to take risk of losing it all because I have a big hearth.

If you search for most beautiful city in the world, québec will appear. I’m not sure why you think it’s xenophobic.

How about the cops comes in when we call them ?? Oh wait, that’s what just happened.

What’s the matter ? You can’t read too many word ?? He is explaining his opinion dude. Relax. If this gets to court we will see what the outcome is. Both opinion are validm blocking the sidewalk is bad but I can see why someone would want to take time to take a good shot of chateau Frontenac.

An asshole to whom ?? He is explaining his opinion with facts from the article. The only assholes here are the one calling him an asshole. Calm down dawg. What’s your problem ?

Critical thinking would be to not take a side in this mess. The conflict is complicated and making such a statement just when a lot of Israelis died is insensitive and feel like they agree with the killing of innocent people. That’s the problem. Why say these statements now ? Why not 1, 2, 3 years ago ?

Imagine saying you agree with alquaida because they suffered from American shit right after 9/11. What is wrong with you ?

Time for revolution? What are you even suggesting here ? Do you even understand what you are implying?

Capitalism works for small market. It fails horribly for large market like housing. A small market where everyone can participate and compete is totally fine. Big market where you already need to be rich as fuck to do anything is the problem. We are more and more in big market. Every business domain is big. There is no place for smaller player anymore. No one can just build their home anywhere they like. You need specialized people and that’s a cost. Capitalism is totally fine when the market can be entered by anyone.

That’s not Pierre, Pierre does not have glasses.


Fuck cars.

Cars are taking our living spaces, roads, excessive parking. Cars are ruining out health, pollution, no one walk anymore. Cars are expensive for everyone. Cars are a drain on society’s wealth and yet, we made damn sure that everyone need one.

Cars are probably one of the biggest factor, in my opinion, for a lot of problems in society.

I don’t know what it is… but there is something different when the landlord is a member of the community you live in versus a faceless corporation. Theres something to think about… if members of the community are the owners, I’m pretty sure this kind of behavior wouldn’t be so rampant. You don’t care about those people if you aren’t in the same boat as them and big corp aren’t even people… no wonder everything is becoming shit everywhere.

The most important one is density and active transportation of people. We are building cities in a way that Absolut requires enormous expense. For example, a house need a driveway, a big street, 4 walls to heat, 1 or sometimes 2 cars, a lot of piping to go everywhere, a lot of wires to go everywhere. That’s why everything cost so much. We are not efficient with our lands. A big wide street and enormous highways is a financial drain on everyone. We need to pay for this at some point or another.

If we were a bit more conservative with the way we build cities, everything would be more affordable today.

Building homes won’t fix anything. The way we build cities for the past 70years is the problem…

I wasn’t sure of the word. Cute is very good to describe this!

I’m also a top earner and this market is just freaking stupid. No way am I going to ruin myself just for a 4bedroom place for my family and me.