Software developer in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Dad to 2 kids.

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Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Navidrome is still the best music server, even with all of its limitations. For what it’s worth, the developer is currently working on features intended to support multiple music libraries. It’s going to happen eventually.

Does nextcloud deck have recurring tasks yet? I didn’t think it did.

+1 for long-ass backup script. First dump the databases with the appropriate command. Currently, I have only MariaDB and Postgres instances. Then, I use Borg to backup the database dumps and the docker volumes.

Database SQL dumps compress very well. I haven’t had any problems yet

I have this problem for the new Doctor Who series before it split off from the old 2005 Doctor Who series and became its own thing. Jellyfin was tagging the new Doctor Who series the same as the old one.

When IMDB finally got its own entry for the new show I was able to successfully identify the new show appropriately.

I wanted to follow up here because I became aware of a pretty good solution for this. It’s called pine pods and it’s an open source self-hosted service that also syncs with GPodder (or Nextcloud’s version of it) so it will keep AntennaPod and itself synched.

I currently use AntennaPod with NextCloud’s version of GPodderSync; which is…adequate.

My ultimate solution would be one where a self-hosted app that tracks and download my podcasts, and then proxy them with some sync mechanism to an android app, but keep them as separate shows with artwork and stuff rather than consolidate them into one feed. I could then choose to listen on the self-hosted web interface or the Android app, and they would be kept in sync.

I use it! It is miles better than other Jellyfin apps for music, but there are still things I wish it still had.

I maintain a Jellyfin instance for audio that points at the same music library as my Navidrome instance does just so I can use the Jellyfin client for Android TV. I would absolutely LOVE to have a subsonic-compatible Android-TV-focused app, so I could finally single-source my music. It’s just not friendly to guests to have them have to log in somewhere using their own device to my music server and then have to cast to my main entertainment system at home, when Android TV is just sitting there, acting as nothing more than an old-school Chromecast.

So, don’t get me wrong, Jellyfin is THE BEST video server software FOSS or not, IMO :)

I currently use Jellyfin and Navidrome. JF just seems really awkward for music. It’s like it tries to treat music and video like the same kind of entities, and they just aren’t.

I really really want a better FOSS -compatible music app.

I feel this comment so much. Like you, I’m a Symfonium user, after reluctantly admitting that DSub has stagnated. I really wish someone would just assume that mantle.

Tempo is probably the best of the current FOSS subsonic-compatible apps, and it ticks most of the boxes, but it still has a way to go to become my daily music app. I posted a review/wishlist in its GitHub discussions for what it could implement to be great in my view, but development seems really slow for it. It might be just one guy, I’m not sure.

Here’s hoping things get better!

The command that I can never get right the first time is ln. I always end up creating a dead link inside my target folder, even when I read the man page directly prior.

I’ll usually do steps 1 and 2 for a reasonably complex review. I’ll reference the diff from the website (for work, this is Azure DevOps, for personal, GitHub or similar) while I inspect and run the modified code locally.

GoToSocial is pretty good, but it has some fundamental limitations like being unable to follow hashtags and not having a web client of its own. I currently have a self-hosted instances of both Mastodon and GoToSocial (for testing purposes), but I mostly use the Mastodon one.

Bookstack is what I self host, but this is the best pure markdown editor I’ve found:

I am using a normal desktop case with an external usb-c 8-bay JBOD drive enclosure from Mediasonic. I’m using mdadm to combine the drives with RAID-6. I know I’m not getting the performance that I could with native SATA, but it can still saturate my 1Gbps network, so it’s good enough for serving video, audio, and some other web-based apps.

I have investigated many, many subsonic compatible apps for one as full featured as DSub. Tempo looks great, but does it have Chromecast and Android Auto clients? Those are both necessities for me.

The fact that DSub has all of these and hasn’t really been in active development for years speaks volumes about its quality.

I will keep a close eye on Tempo, though!

This happened to me, but the single result from 10 years earlier was unfortunately also me.

I use things in all 4 quadrants. Ahhhhh!