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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


Please try kagi.

Not saying it’s you, but some people that think paying for Search is silly have forgotten how wonderful clean searches with actual answers are.

I totally came to say this. Google has become designed to tarpit you into staying on the site longer. They no longer have the goal of giving you what you want quickly, they want you to see more ads.

Google makes $307/yr. per user. They are strongly motivated to tarpit us. If we want a clean search experience we need to be open to the idea of paying.

As an embedded systems dev that searches a lot of obscure stuff, I use Kagi and love it. Go try its free searches and see for yourself.

If you value your time and mental stability, please do yourself a favor and go see what clean, high quality search results look like on Kagi.

echo “calories” >> .gitignore

I meant faster than Python, not faster than Rust. Rust is fast.

Nevermind that the C++ program is two orders of magnitude faster when completed.

I would love to learn and use Rust but I’m a embedded systems guy. Everything of consequence is C and C++.

AKschually, thumbs aren’t fingers.

I thought the same when I saw it. That’s not a DB-9. Harumph!

LOL, it has a case. How is that ghetto?