Lime Buzz (fae/she)

fae/faer or she/her

A lover of fruit, fun and helping people out.

Not human so please do not refer to me as such or use any words relating to humanity when referring to me or if it’s intended to include me.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Apr 18, 2022


Well, the web shouldn’t be human. But if they were to attempt to make it then LLMs would not be the way.

Sure, I get your point and agree.

I just think that third party middleman attacks should be mitigated wherever possible and so far, in looking at online therapy I’ve never seen one that can back up their claims of being private with data, just vague references to how secure it is.

It’s a tricky situation, and I guess there’s no good solution because either we have to trust the third party or just the therapist and if neither can be trusted, well…

it just speaks to a larger issue with society as a whole, how we treat mental health and especially that we need to pay in order to deal with our issues, and that it hasn’t been understood yet that it’s shameful and scary to come forward about problems because of certain laws, and the possibility of either the original scenario or the one you proposed.

This is terrible. However it’s one reason online ‘therapy’ should never be trusted to be private.

Unless the therapists start using actually private ways of communicating like Signal, then stuff like this will keep happening.

Yep, that’s why mastodon only allows for 72 characters maximum in passwords, I assume.

Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised. I love learning things about indigenous cultures.

Today I learned that it’s an indigenous Māori word, and as such we should probably be respectful and stick with how they pronounce it.

and an attack on encrypted messaging

lmao. It’s barely encrypted and what little of it that is (one-to-one DMs) have never been audited in a way where Telegram haven’t just either ignored the results or moved the goalposts.

That’s fair, one reason I stay out of big groups, though you can set it not to be displayed to anyone, so I’m not fully grasping your argument.

What do you mean by passport? It will a bit, if someone doesn’t know the phone number of an account that sent a message.

Okay, interesting. I still think my points about it stand though.

And that’s fine and good, if you want that, I’ve no problem with people getting their needs met.

I just wish they wouldn’t call it secure or private or think there will be no consequences for using it, there absolutely could be because there is no encryption in groups and bad encryption in one-to-one contexts.

Apart from the lack of moderation and refusal to comply with police etc from a distance, there isn’t much keeping those who use it safe from arrest, discrimination etc.

Okay, I’ll bite. But considering Signal has no data and very little metadata to give people, what exactly is the problem? What evidence would they have to arrest people on?

Especially now that people don’t have to share phone numbers to add a contact and can stop others from finding them via numbers.

Are you saying Signal uses bad encryption? I genuinely am not sure if this is sarcasm or genuine.

Did Signal roll their own encryption? I am unaware of this if so. Even if it is the case, it has been audited heavily, something which telegram have repeatedly either failed to do or moved the goalposts every time it has been audited. Telegram is not a secure messenger.

I think I was explaining why people could see it as bad, not that I particularly want more global moderation. Having said that, there should probably be a way to throw off people, on any platform, who actually do material harm to other individuals, such as distributing CSAM.

Yeah. Phone numbers are less of an issue now what with usernames and with certain options chosen no one can find you by phone number on Signal.

I do agree with them to some degree that tying accounts to phone numbers should be removed or at least optional, but it’s less of an issue now.

I think a lot of people make the mistake of thinking privacy means “the maxmimum amount of privacy at all times” and whilst that’s understandable it’s not a thing that is likely in this current world nor does everyone need it, which is why people can and should be doing accurate threat modelling for themselves, which most don’t.

SimpleX is not as good as other offerings yet, it is very lacking in features and frustrating to use for the few it does have.

Matrix has bad encryption:

XMPP also has not very useful encryption (though not bad imo, it’s just not user friendly nor on all the time or in every client):

Briar isn’t there yet on every device, it doesn’t have feature parity on all devices/OSs and can’t be used on all devices/OS.

Signal is the only one really worth considering at the moment in my opinion for most users, good features, and for actually proven encryption.

Because it’s a bad messenger which rolled their own encryption (a thing that should bever be done) and yet it’s still only in one-one chats in very few contexts.

They have lied constantly about various things including never having ads etc, they just silently updated that they would and expected people to be fine with it.

Sure, piracy is okay, but there’s lots of other bad things that go on it which is immoral and unethical and they don’t care enough to do anything about it.

In short: It is not at all a private messenger and lacks any type of good moderation.

Alt text: Pikachu making a shocked face standing next to a trainer, in glorious HD quality

Alt text: Pikachu making a shocked face standing next to a trainer, in glorious HD quality

Of course they are censoring culturally significant things. Bunch of colonisers, ugh.

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage | First Look Gameplay Trailer
I am *very* excited about this, although a bit saddened to see they're still doing it as an 'episodic' release game. Maybe that's better for funding or something however, I thought game developers had moved past that?

Yikes, the legal system really is horribly systemically broken, right to its core.

No More Room In Hell: How Tech & Games Are Desperately Rotting (The Jimquisition)
cross-posted from: > Warning for gore and zombies. > > A video showing how both the tech sector in general but more specifically the video game sector have no new ideas and try to repackage old ideas and get massive investment to sell 'innovated' ideas and products to people even though they're no better than the original ideas they're aping and in a lot of ways worse.

No More Room In Hell: How Tech & Games Are Desperately Rotting (The Jimquisition)
Warning for gore and zombies. A video showing how both the tech sector in general but more specifically the video game sector have no new ideas and try to repackage old ideas and get massive investment to sell 'innovated' ideas and products to people even though they're no better than the original ideas they're aping and in a lot of ways worse.

Another good point is as white people we have a responsibility to figure out if racists can see a boost. In that case we need to figure out a way to stop that harm immediately either by removing certain followers or blocking/reporting etc.

It’s unsurprising, sadly. Folks are stuck in their bubbles often and don’t see the harm they cause.

They wrap it up in fancy words or reasoning sadly, but the reasons are always the same basically: They don’t want to do the work.

Other suggestions:

Social problems cannot be solved by technical solutions e.g. “turning the racism off” by filtering or blocking others as a user (run from any instance that takes this approach instead of defederating or blocking at an instance level).

If your instance is shit and gets blocked, don’t complain that it got blocked, either complain to the admins of the shit instance or move instances.

Boost the things they say about their experiences or the experiences of others and boost things they care about because likely it’ll benefit people at the very least by raising awareness.

I’m going between Stardew Valley and Coral Island. The latter especially because of the last update with dates/hangouts.

Image description: A screenshot of two black people playing Disco Elysium reacting to a failed visual calculus check. The text reads:

Visual Calculus [Medium: Failure] - All you can see is the fact that her skin is a different colour from yours. That’s literally all. You’re gonna have to run with that.

Then the only option to reply with is given:

    • “You’re black”

Below that the two black people have their hands on the tops of their heads in manner which denotes frustrated surprise, they are sitting behind microphones as they are playing and commenting on the game together.

[Sincere] I feel for the poor developers who are going to be abused by being forced to crunch to heck.

If you are talking about me, those are not the kind of games I enjoy.

Yet another reason for me to never play this game. It’s full of contextless characters, appropriated and stolen dances/animations, microtransactions and now this rubbish.

AI Stole My Content (The Jimquisition)
A much needed reminder that Machine Learning and Large Language Models (so called 'AI') is plagiarism, don't *necessarily* agree it's theft in the strict legal definition (but definitely in the colloquial meaning), but it's definitely immoral and unethical and the used by those that want to contribute nothing themselves.

Yes but I’d rather not touch a fascist site (poast to be clear).