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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 27, 2023


I guess it could be construed as racist when it’s literally “master/slave”. But I have never seen it as a normalization of slavery because there usually is no value attached to the terms, it’s just describing the relation between them. And I don’t think acknowledging that a slave generally doesn’t have much say in doing what their master tells them is racist in itself or endorsing/normalizing slavery.

But also, I am white, and there are other terms we can use that can describe this kind of relation just fine, so, whatever. I just get mildly annoyed when some stuff that was working perfectly fine gets deprecated just to change these terms and I have to adapt to it.

It should freeze near -20C iirc. Since this is Canada it could be even colder than that, but this could work I think.

basic PR rules

My company’s code leads :

Wasn’t it also used to stop terminals (I’m talking, old-ass, mainframe terminals here) auto scrolling even before that ?

I usually bind some toggled macros to it (e.g autoclicker). The lil’ light really comes in handy for this use case. I also used it as my “mute” shortcut in various VOIP softwares for a while for the same reason

I always have it setup to stop compilation. Picked that up from using visual studio for many years. I admit it’s been a while since I last compiled something from a terminal

“pause/break” I can understand if you don’t write compiled code I guess (if you don’t know, Ctrl+break usually stops compilation, very handy when you reread your code while compiling and realized you fucked something up), but “home” is remove-tier ??? It’s one of the most useful keys for editing text my dude

Yeah, people may not know that the subway is safe because of engineering practices, but if there was a major malfunction, potentially involving injuries or loss of life, every other day, they would know, and I’m sure they would think twice about using it.

“Who wrote this shit ?”
Spends 10 angry minutes in P4 timelapse