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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


The box what goes bang if you poke it wrong.

The computer is inaccessible, and if you did that, the best way to fix it, while also avoiding any other potential issues stemming from that, is just to reinstall the thing.

If the embedded system is old or poorly-maintained enough, there might be more Rust than you’d think.

Unless FPS means “files per second”, I don’t see why it would, past the point of usability. You can only type so quickly, and 50 frames is as meaningful as 144.

If you get to that point where frames per second does matter, you’re either the fastest typist known to mankind, or it might be worth finding a more efficient way of doing what you’re doing.

Unclear. They don’t give their reasoning beyond “complicated = bad”, and very specifically leave it up to the imagination of the reader.

While they make some interesting points with regards to overcomplication and scope creep, there are also good reasons why we’re still not using programs like ed as text editors, such as it being arcane and unintuitive.

vi will at least helpfully point out :exit is not an editor command. Instead, ed will not-so-helpfully point out ?.

When you think of a bloated text editor, you would not expect VI to be that. If anything, it’s closer to the opposite.

Or if you find the project a while later, and the link/server is dead, either because the maintainer forgot to update the link, or the server shut down/removed invites for some reason, like spam prevention.

Considering the tiny token size (1MB?), you might be able to squeeze an editor into an NFT. Heavens knows why you would, but you can.

“blockchain” tends to be rather iffy too, especially since it’s seemingly inevitably tied with cryptocurrency or something like it in some form or another.

Has that ever historically been the case? It’s usually been that a technological development results in loss of jobs, as businesses simply reduce their wage expenditure, whilst expecting the same amount, or more work.

Like how computerisation has massively increased productivity, but wages and working hours haven’t changed to match.

It could also be the first/second one.

It could also just be a server load issue.

Lemmy.world, the community the instance is hosted on, has been having a few issues between the 0.18.1 update, and the amount of users on the platform.

At least we don’t have it quite as bad as octopuses, who have a have a risk of dying after eating too much because their brain wraps around their stomach.

Have spaces around curly braces modify the behaviour. That way, you can incorporated both.

That’s why you get the best of both worlds, and combine them to use tabspaces. Everyone will hate you equally, achieving true equality in the process.

You may as well get a brown computer, some brown food, and some brown drink to go with your brown shoes.