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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


So I say this with full openness to be told otherwise, but does the origin of the rule matter if it’s no longer relevant. I find it interesting that people would be annoyed with gendered bathrooms but after being told it was a feminist request being ok with it. To me, if gendered bathrooms no longer serve their purpose, let’s nuke em.

My take on this is simple. The only reason I like gendered bathrooms is because I can pee faster at a urinal. lol. Saves me so much time at huge events like concerts and sports arenas.

If you’ve seen articles most news agencies put out besides a select, high-quality few, I doubt anyone will be able to tell the difference. They’re all shit. They’re probably just switching from mechanical turk to this.

Yeah, I remember when imgur came out when the previous image hosting companies started getting greedy.

My right wing dad did the same thing. Signed up for a Twitter because musk was on their side. lol

Wow, sad to see this much history go. It’s tough running an image hosting service.

Love your username by the way. Is that a Roman unit type?

I didn’t even know that was a thing. Do you just take a piece of it and drop it in some solution?

I’ve always wanted to try psychedelics but I won’t until I have a chain of custody to prove it ain’t laced with something nasty. Hopefully something like this comes to California soon!

It’s unfortunate isn’t it. Kind of reminds me of my beloved Halo universe. Most anything that comes out is just hot garbage and it hurts me. I’d even take something mediocre at this point but most of it is just bad.

I remember when their streaming service was launched and they said that. I don’t even think they lasted 2 years.