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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023


Quite clearly NO It is a central office that now answers a large part of the DNS questions; apart from the fact that they so often have failures.

you only have to start a second docker cluster with a different public port

From the moment I read Cloudflare, I was out.

thanks for the help, that put me on the right track, apparently an old image was used.

I always thought that a docker-compose up -d also builds a new image. But apparently I have to run docker-compose up --build -d. thanks for the help

[Solved] Docker Compose Issue with Stale Data on Startup
Hello everyone, I'm sure there are a few people here who are fitter in #DockerCompose than I am. Currently I have the problem that when starting the docker-compose the latest data is probably not used although the local copy of the repo is up to date. Does anyone have an idea? I came across the problem because of this [issue]( and that it is not up to date because of this [issue](

I’ve been using nextcloud for years without any problems

I would clearly prefer Proxmox, which gives you the greatest possible freedom in terms of what else you want to do. Then a VM or LXC for each service.