Excel modeller, juggler, geek, engineer, DIY nut. Woke=thoughtful, considerate and empathetic. All views are my own.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Pi zero W has WiFi, alternatively there are hats available. And yes they can run a full Rasbian OS.

There are already plenty of audio hats available, indeed they are recommended for better quality sound.

It could get interesting with right to repair, that probably includes the right to load custom firmware…

Sales tax is the most obvious example of adding to the cost I’ve been shown, but it’s everything. Here if there is a price on something that is the price you pay. Period.
If I have €5 and the price on the shelf is €4.90 we are all good, and I don’t even need to know what country I’m in!

But is is more than that, if I take my car in to be fixed, they have to agree every cost they want to charge me in advance at no point can anything cost me more than I expected and agreed to up front.
Airline tickets, theatre tickets, hospital bills, TV ads, you name it, the price they state or advertise is what I pay, no ifs-no buts.

As a European I’ll never cease to find it mind blowing that it is normal for a Americans that the cost to them of damn near everything is more than the cost initially shown to them.

Not sure I fully agree. These tool are really ruddy brilliant at certain things (like writing or translating computer code, drafting certain documents) but they are poor at being factually correct. Unless / until they find a way to fact-check themselves I don’t see them replacing search, just complementing it.