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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


It’s been reported alternatively as “undergoing scheduled maintenance”, “undergoing unscheduled maintenance”, or “system failure due to cold”. Scheduled maintenance is BS, no one schedules that for peak seasonal demand times.

When you look at the massive profits that energy producers made in Texas a few years ago… and don’t forget all the free government money they got afterward to “fix” the problem… you can sure as shit bet on them taking notes of the exact most profitable moments for them the schedule “maintenance”.

That’s nice to hear, because my 2021 can’t Remote start without paying for the subscription. Most aggregating part is that if I had gotten the base model I could have added Remote start cheap, but because it came with Remote start already on it, it’s tough shit.

Elon is not playing 5d chess. He can’t even play 1d connect the dots. The Saudi’s have good reasons to save his ass though. By enabling him to buy Twitter, at best they get control of a worldwide propaganda platform, at worst they only spent 22Billion to kill a universally known communication platform that is a thorn in every totalitarian regime in the world. In addition, they gain they some control over the richest man in the US.