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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: May 24, 2021


Opt in to each lesson!!?? So intentionally making it overly complicated and a burden on both teachers and parents.

It seems if you’re wealthy enough your wealth gets to enjoy a nice racheting effect.

I was being a bit facetious in the wake of Rogers being allowed to buy Shaw.

Of course they should be breaking up the large companies when there’s not much competition, but I doubt they’ll do much of anything.

And then they’ll probably just have Air Canada buy WestJet so they can deliver better value or some shit. That seems to be the way competition goes now.

When I first read the headline, I thought it was maybe a good thing. Hurray for less military spending! I guess there’s maybe one policy I might agree with.

Then I read the article and found the little “woke” nugget you mentioned. Seriously, conservatives are just completely fucked… I know people in the military and it’s anything but woke! I’d like to see ANY of these fucking woke-saying assholes do a single day of basic training or handle even a few hours on an exercise!

Of course we all know that “warrior culture” in this context means kicking out anyone who’s not a “straight” white male. Because nothing says warrior like being toxicly insecure about ones sexuality.

I just wish it meant bringing in Klingon codes of honour.

Its infuriating how much time and money they are spending to oppress less than 1% of the population!!!

For a group that keeps screetching about freedom they sure do hate it.

In a statement, Conservative housing critic Scott Aitchison panned Tuesday’s announcement as another “photo-op” that won’t get the homes Canadians need built.

I don’t know if Trudeau’s plan is any good, but what the fuck is the Con’s plan? More unregulated free market trickle down bullshit?

This article is a lot better than I expected, since it’s not blaming us regular people for not working hard enough.

Rogers pointed to a lack of competition across Canada’s industries as not driving companies to invest.

Canada is also “too often” failing to make proper use of skilled newcomers joining the labour pool, she said, which has major implications for productivity rates.

I’ve come to the conclusion that the UCP is just adversarial to anyone who’s not them.


I hit burnout an now “productivity” is a dirty word. I’ve discovered that it is healthy to take time for yourself, even if it is to literally do nothing.

Programming is both my career and hobby, but I’ve had to adjust my free time to allow my mind to just let go a bit more often.

Seriously. If this goes through I’ll probably move. Alberta doesn’t deserve my “productivity” at that point.

Came here to say exactly this.

I’d trust the piracy sites more actually. We don’t voluntarily give them our credit card and address.

“And I think it’s because people who work on airplanes, people who work in restaurants, people who work building things love my message.”

What a load of shit. He’s even starting to sound like Trump.

Don’t worry. Now that they’ve merged with Shaw they’ll have better service for lower prices. 🙄

Clearly you’ve never read Hacker News. :)

Every point I’ve made has several threads on pretty much every Hacker News post about Mozilla or Firefox.

I was using Firefox when it was still called Phoenix, and I switched to Chrome briefly about 10 years ago when it was actually a bit better than Firefox. At the time, most people I knew in the tech sector were using Firefox. It’s Firebug extension was a major boost for development. Chrome was a bit better and their dev tools were even better than Firebug at the time.

I switched back to Firefox when I saw the direction Google was taking it, and I know a lot of other people did as well. Still, many people stayed with Chrome. There’s no shortage of comments on Hacker News about “I dropped Firefox because X” or “I tried to switch to Firefox but X”, where X is one of the things I mentioned.

Chrome got to where it was in no small part to us “computer people” saying it was good. And now not enough of us are saying Firefox is good. It breaks my heart to see so many young and smart developers choosing Chrome.

We’re heading back to the bad old days of IE dominance, with proprietary extensions, playing fast and loose with standards, and market dominance pushing for things that only benefit one company. ActiveX still gives me nightmares.

I’ve never understood the logic of people who switched to Chrome from Firefox.

Mozilla has an overpaid CEO, so let’s switch to a browser that’s run by one of the richest companies on the planet. Firefox broke some extension, so let’s switch to a browser that has an even worse extension model. Firefox shows client side ads that are easily disabled, so let’s switch to a browser actually run by an ad tech company. Firefox changed the UI to look like Chrome (and they hate the design), so I guess switch to Chrome?

It makes no sense…

Frankly I’m tired of all this “both sides” bullshit and treating every belief and opinion as equal to any other. Her “side” has shown they are not interested in honest dialogue and only seem to care about bullshit conspiracies.

While I think we should put in an effort to listen to everyone, we’re well past the point of these screeching morons having any validity.

We don’t invite flat earthers to geology conferences just because they have some belief or opinion.

I agree with literally everything in the video!!!

Though I do have a BangleJS, where apps are written in Javascript but the watch is still pretty awesome.

My issue isn’t with the technology but the fact that only an announcement created $100,000,000,000 worth of “value” while at the same time people are losing their jobs.

And even if the tech works, there are any number of reasons it won’t be successful. A competitor may beat them to it, or an open source one comes out, or the UI is terrible, or a middle manager cancels the project, or…

I have no issues with people making piles of money for creating useful things, but I do take issue with the speculative market moving around so much money while inequality is on the rise and people are out of work. And some of these are the very people who created that “value”.

I don’t really have a solution, but I also refuse to accept it as just the way things are.

Stock prices are crazy! For all we know this AI powered Excel is vapourware but the stock goes up over an announcement.

So much value created for society from a press release!

This was posted on Hacker News but I thought it was a really cool article explaining how Elliptical Curve Cryptography works.

My wife uses a Framework running Arch and we’re both very impressed. The build quality is excellent and even the touchpad is very nice. There’s a small issue with sleep currents though, but neither of us have had the time yet to sit down and configure the low power modes properly yet. Framework is aware of the issue so hopefully their next models will be improved (and for what it’s worth, I’ve seen high sleep currents on Frameworks running Windows as well).

Installing software is one of the big blockers I see with people, especially when they’re used to downloading a random executable from a website somewhere. (haha! Anyone remember Tucows?) Ubuntu has also been making their installation worse lately with pushing Snaps, which always seem to be only partially integrated into the rest of the system. I have been playing a bit with Flatpak distributed software and it seems to work well, with some nice UIs to browse the various repos. I’m also a fan of AppImage for the ease of distribution. But yeah, just the fact I have to type this out means it’s quite different and yet something else to learn.

Good luck with your Linux adventures! :)