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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Me with my HD598s with a modmic and Bluetooth DAC zip tied to the headband:

Yakuza 0 hands down. Some of the side stories had me in stitches.

Did they make that church as evil looking as possible on purpose? Looks like the legion of fucking doom.

It already doesn’t if you take the time to use tools like LORAS, Controlnet, and Inpainting to guide the output.

AI is about at creative as Adobe Photoshop is, or a pencil for that matter. A human operating it (no, not txt2img prompting) is where the creativity comes from.

Me, I’ll benefit the most. I’ve been using a locally running instance of the free and open source AI software Stable Diffusion to generate artwork for my D&D campaigns and they’ve never looked more beautiful!

Things ONLY get accomplished this way. Civil Rights, Labor, Women’s Suffrage, etc. It’s how it is, accept it.

Yep, you do, sorry. Change doesn’t happen when you politely ask. Change happens when you’re a disruptive asshole for long enough. Look at the history of protests and activism that actually brought about change.

Ranked. Voting. Please.

Absurd that a progressive candidate entering the race can somehow be a bad thing.

I have a lot going on lol

Wrapping up a Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign as a player. Playing a Swarmkeeper / Nature Cleric who is a squirrel/small mammal ecologist from Candlekeep on a field study.

When that’s done, I’m taking up the mantle and running a Shadowrun game heavily inspired by fairy tales. Quests will include things like the Big Bad Wolf terrorizing apartment blocs owned by three “pigs”, following digital breadcrumbs to find a hag kidnapping children in cyberspace, and a space elevator heist with a giant guarding the space station.

Also running a character-focused Deadlands game on the side. Posse is up against a corrupt lawman sacrificing his town to the tree of forbidden fruit from the garden of Eden, the Yeitsoh/Anaye monsters from Navajo oral tradition, and the Ravenites who are trying to incite war between the steampunk Mormon nation of Deseret and the US.

It’s been fun running something in the “real world” since I feel like I’m actually learning stuff when I do prep. The big set piece locations are places I can actually go.