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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


Genuinely not sure why people are lining up to argue you on this. Its not even opinion, just facts.

If anything, it’s about time us white guys have to fucking struggle a bit. I’d just like a world where we can collectively pull our heads out our asses and stop voting the wrong people into power.

One company owns a vast amount of all grocery stores in Canada.


So sure, it may not be the “grocery stores” individually, it’s sure as shit on their holding company.


It’s insane that a company can miss the point by this much…

Just make a good product, do everything you can to avoid fleecing your player base, and they will come. Then you can add microtransactions that people can buy. You gotta earn that shit through merit of a good game.

Thank God I won’t be homeless for Christmas, that gets to wait until January now. :)

Just kidding, I’m still renting because I can’t afford to save for a down-payment. :)))

Lmao. I mean, yeah. I dunno about everyone else here, but I’d much rather see that money be spent in a productive “society-first” manner instead of literally just bleeding into nothing.

Nothing money does nothbut sit there anyways, so spend it to improve quality of life or give it all back and let us do it.


This. And the same goes for work in general. Doing work only has value because we attached money to it. People saying that scanning your own 10 items at the grocery store is labor and you should be paid accordingly… I’ll always respect peoples’ opinions and values, but something has to give if we feel as a society that that is worth compensation.

That is to say, the free labor for the corporations is not lost on me, I’m just thinking bigger picture. The budding socio-anarchist in me wants to burn the system to the ground and watch what rebuilds.

We were doomed from the start, damn those dank river valleys for establishing commerce and social hierarchy!