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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


OP is European. $38,00 is how Americans would write $38.00

OP is saying the cost is 38 dollars.

Yes there is a reason to run a part of your business at a loss. It is well known market strategy and it is called a Loss Leader.

You offer a product or services at a loss because it helps you generate more revenue in another part of your business.

And plenty of companies keep products that don’t make money, because they are Loss Leaders into products that do make money.


Parody is different to satire.

Parody is an imitation of another piece of media or work where you are making comedic commentary of that work.

Satire is using comedy to offer commentary, to carry a message, or to offer criticism about the world.

Yes, like Programmers are also human. That is satire as well, same as Fireship.

Just because something is satire doesn’t mean it is untrue.

Okay, some of his content could be considered more serious. But the overall aesthetic of the channel is clearly satirical in form.

I think people should watch a few other videos from this person. His channel is satire.

I hope it sits on the market for 6 months then gets trashed by some crackhead drug dealer who goes on 5 day binges and punches holes in the walls.

I have no idea how you came to this conclusion but it is legally incorrect.

Property theft is taking anything you do not own without consent of the owner. It has nothing to do with if that property deprived the owner of anything.

I just want to point out to anyone who thinks this is a viable legal defence, It isn’t.

You would be considered to be stealing from the rights holder. The rights holder authorises your use of their property when you pay the license fee. If you don’t pay the license fee you are considered to be stealing their property.

Just to be clear, I agree with the sentiment of this post. Legally speaking though, this defence would be cut down in moments.

Yeah, I already hate myself but I’m going to implement this. 🤣