• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


Exactly what I was thinking. This just sounds like it would be a victim impact statement which serves very standard.

I also fail to see how it could possibly be considered irrelevant.

You miss the part where they were blocking roads while honking? Hell there were splinter groups blocking the border crossings. lol

It all began with a DEI course for TDSB administrators that started in April 2021. DEI trainer Kike Ojo-Thompson (the CEO of the KOJO Institute) led a series of sessions for TDSB higher-ups in which she made a number of familiar progressive arguments, according to Bilkszto’s court filing: Canada is a more racist place than the U.S., Canada is a “bastion of white supremacy and colonialism,”

The rest aside, the NP saying that it’s a common take that Canada is worse than the us for racism is crazy talk. That’s a fringe view.

Kinda sucks they dropped the ball on that specific point because much of the article is great.