Attempting to be creative at various things at various times, for example: #Filmmaking, #CreativeWriting, #GraphicDesign, etc.

Let’s make a better world together! (In a neato fun awesome way that is. Not in a Weyland-Yutani way.)

He/His, Strawberries > Bananas, A third thing.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 23, 2023


Been using Bear Blog for a few years now and it’s been very cool as a small static blog platform.

No excess menus, no ad junk. An enjoyable experience all around.

“We put ChatGPT into this hammer!”



I mean either he’s just the stupidest or this is all intentional and he wanted to kill Twitter in the first place. Either way, fudge him and his weird face.

Hehe. All good. Pretty sure I’ve done the same thing a time or two. here in the Lemmy-verse.

Ha! Okay, it’s not just me then… 🤪

Neocities (mentioned in the article) is a pretty cool throwback site for making your own simple webpages. I used it for a coding exercise to make my own personal version of a Linktree thing.

Bear blog (link) is also simple and neat for simple un-corporate internet-ing.