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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 01, 2024


Yeah, can’t blame autocucumber for that one. However, I’ve had a bitch of a time remembering English words since moving to a Spanish speaking country…

said PBS’s Judy Woodruff Monday night. “So, I don’t know where—who knows whether that will come about or not…

LoL, it’s Trump…nothing will happen to his cheesburder ass

Well as someone who spent some quality time in Knob Noster I can say with all honesty…it was a joke

and then there was this weirdo


Can’t wait for the enshitification of these: “We’re going to sew you back up, but first, look at these ads”

No chance since Chavez took power. My wife was part of Amnesty International cou ti g bodies during his first couple attemp, before he was released from jail and won his first election.

And thats why you don’t vote for populist dictator wannabes, because this is what you get.

“Christians, get out and vote!” yelled Trump. “Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine! You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians!” He added, “You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”

batshit crazy & desperate

2 buck hotdog & 5 buck sushi, lotto tickets and a diet coke big gulp for Jimbo

Nah, only because your sentence selection sounded canned, like I’ve seen the same sentences again and again by, you know…bots.

So anyway, she was voted into office to take over if Biden died and no, there wasn’t a primary for her but Biden is done and you gotta make the choice between a shit sandwich and a douche.

I get what you’re saying.

Well put, technically correct but viscerally wrong on every human regard. You sound like canned AI.

Spot on…Seattle tech culture is so toxic

Clinton was kind of forced on the democrats, and they saw how Bernie- a serious contender- was railroaded out.

That, and a lot of voter apathy going- “no way will Trump win.”

I feel a lot better about Harris than Clinton.

This is absolutely true. We ran into a friend back into the day who said she was canvassing for Bernie…why don’t we also go?

We nwver even thought about volunteering for a political campaign, yet we did.

If anything just to watch the orange fuck explode when he loses to HER

I will make popcorn and enjoy that if it comes to pass

Florida also has the Latino “ooga booga Democratic socialism!” mentality that drives them to vote for the strong-man who scares them to vote for him because they love a dictatorship that says it isn’t a dictatorship.

And a million MAGA aneurysms were burst

Good. Racists pieces of shit vs regular pieces of shit.

Really on par for the Ruzzia mentality of “we have a shit life, so we must make everyone else’s life shittier so we can feel better about our shitty-shit filled, shit life.”

Needs to have more typos and some incoherent ramblings

It was the Dems initiative to get someone else to go but just did nothing but ride the coattails

Incumbent President almost always runs unopposed. That being said, he ran as the adult in the room to get us back from the right, and was NOT expected to run for reelection.

I am still going to vote for the D nominee out of pure spite for the right…but something has to give, there needs to be voting reform before the next general which incluudes ranked choice or at some point the choices will ne worse than this time around.

Because at the end of the day nothing… and i mean nothing will please me more than Trump losing for a second time to an old motherfucker because Americans hate him more than we like an alternative

My immediate family are going to hold our noses and vote for Biden, we lived through the Trump era and actually left the US partly because of that.

I can’t say for sure anymore about my extended family. Parents for sure D but oldest bro has remarried to a Christofascist, and my sister also found religion but she was a cop so I’m pretty sure she’s been propagandized enough by right wing rhetoric that she votes R, her pwice of shit husband, and ex husband for sure do.

My other brother and his fam are D’s…so its a net win?