I prioritize ethics over optics even if it means facing criticism.

Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 13, 2023


But how do we hate-follow Elon then? We need our daily dose of outrage after all.

Are you sure? Last time I checked it just gives you a pop-up asking if you’re sure you want to use that word as some people can find it problematic and if you say yes it’ll get posted like a normal tweet.

Well I said black twitter because I’m talking about the Voldemort slur I’m not even allowed to say aloud

To my knowledge, twitter doesn’t block anyone from using slurs to begin with. I’m sure you can find plenty used on daily basis on “black twitter” for example.

That being said I’m going to need a more credible source than a random screenshot

It’s happening on a social media platform none of you has ever heard of before and will never hear of again. Calm down and move on.

I prefer 1080p but if not available then 720p is perfectly fine as well. 4k is overkill and I don’t even have a monitor that could play it at native resolution. Where I do prefer “lower quality” though is framerate. I don’t like how 60fps looks so I force YouTube to play videos at 24fps.

The fact that you use their services despite claiming to oppose them probably tells more about how you really feel than your words do. You’re benefiting from their abusive business model the same whey they themselves are. Justifying the continued use of their services by not paying is just a cope to deal with the cognitive dissonance.

I’ll buy premium when they finally manage to either prevent adblocking entirely or make it sufficiently inconvenient. Stopping using YouTube is not an option for me and neither is watching ads. YouTube (along with porn) is the internet for me. If I’m not viewing either content, I’m probably not on my computer.

Hell, I don’t even blame them. I can’t morally justify blocking ads and viewing their content for free. I do it because it’s easy and I get away with it. I don’t believe in ads-based business model and that basically leaves subscribtion as the only viable alternative. Not paying and still using the service isn’t exactly practicing what I preach.

That’s what SponsorBlock already does. It however doesn’t detect the sponsor but instead it jumps over a part of the video marked with timestamp but with different people seeing different lenght ads, these timestamps no-longer match.

I brought up the roof knocking because it’s what Israel does aswell as dropping leaflets and sending text messages and making phone calls before the strikes. This goes against all the accusations about genocide and intentionally targeting civilians. It would be quite cynical to think that this all is just a cover up so that they can continue with their plan of murdering every single Palestinian. I’m just not buying that. The high number of civilians in that area are a huge inconvenience for Israel and killing them is extremely bad PR. They know this and Hamas knows it aswell.

For the high number of civilians killed I think the most simple explanation is also the most likely to be true; it’s urban warwafe on a country with extremely tiny land area and a population of millions. You could blindly drop a bomb quite literally anywhere there and you’re likely to hit someone. This is what war looks like.

If Hamas wasn’t using their own population as human shields and shooting rockets from next to the refugee camps then perhaps there would be no need for it. I also find it quite ironic how they’re yet again criticized for bombing civilians while there’s a perfect example right there of to which lenghts they’re going to warn them beforehand. I doubt Hamas did that before shooting rockets at the aid delivery corridor a few days back. Again, 350 meters from a civilian campsite.

Not using the default ones is a probable cause for why your browser gets flagged. Restore to default settings and make sure you don’t have other adblockers enabled (such as the one built into YouTube Enhancer add-on) If you still get the pop-up you can update the “quick fixes” list or wait an hour or so for the uBlock team to catch up with Google’s latest updates to the detection script.

I left Instagram when it became almost exclusively videos and now TikTok is allowing pictures. This is a weird world.

I’ll take that bet.

I haven’t made any moral statements about right and wrong. It’s a simple question about why something is the way it is. Simple question you refuse to engage with so no point in going any further with this.

I feel like you’re completely ignoring my original question. Seeing that despite being controversial it has 12 upvotes and zero downvotes then maybe that’s an indication that it’s a valid question and I’m not the only one wondering the same thing.

You’re free to go thru my post history and try to find examples of me calling people hurtful names. You just wont find any because that’s not how I behave and that’s not what my question is about.

My question is pretty simple; why this specific term? It feels so arbitrary. There doesn’t seem to be any logic behind it. I wont get mobbed if I call someone an idiot but for some reason retard is off limits. Why?

Why idiot, imbecille and moron are okay but retard is off-limits? All of these words have been used in a psychological classification system in the past yet retard seems to be the only one people take issue with.

Idiots. —Those so defective that the mental development never exceeds that or a normal child of about two years.

Imbeciles. —Those whose development is higher than that of an idiot, but whose intelligence does not exceed that of a normal child of about seven years.

Morons. —Those whose mental development is above that of an imbecile, but does not exceed that of a normal child of about twelve years.

Edmund Burke Huey, Backward and Feeble-Minded Children, 1912

Well Vlad did say that Poland started WW2 and Hitler had to intervene and it’s the same situation with Ukraine - effectively comparing himself to Hitler

Oh, my apologies for being a mere mortal with a taste for mainstream mediocrity. Clearly, my lack of access to the obscure, avant-garde, underground artists you champion is a tragic oversight. I’ll just be over here enjoying my basic playlist, blissfully unaware of the elevated musical tastes reserved for the chosen few like yourself. Carry on enlightening us, oh connoisseur of the esoteric.

Why does anyone use shitify

Virtually every single song in the world in your pocket for a little over 10 euros a month doesn’t seem like a bad deal to me. Then again why does anyone use spotify for anything other than listening to music, there your guess is as good as mine.

People jokingly call DayZ a hiking simulator because it includes so much running in the woods between towns. It truly is one of a kind of game. I haven’t ever played anything else like it. The learning curve is steep though and I recommend watching few tutorials as trying to survive as a new player will be brutal. There will be alot of starving to death and dying to infections and diseases. Best would be teaming up with a more experienced player but trying to find ones that are friendly can be tricky.

I’m not exactly sure what you mean by exploration but DayZ works on Linux. It’s an open world zombie survival multiplayer game with a massive map. I have 650 hours on this game and there are still probably few towns I haven’t ever visited.

So mandatory Spotify and Netflix for everyone? The hardware is already there so why not?

Why not just make every model with leather seats, headrest monitors, parking sensors, adaptive headlights, walnut interior trim, carbon fibre hood, 4x4 etc. and just make every customer pay more even though given the chance many of them wouldn’t choose any of these?

That’s just insane. There’s a ton of people like me who doesn’t want most of this junk on their vehicles and would just much rather pay 15k less for the base model without any of it. Should smartphones come with a mandatory Spotify and Netflix subscribtions aswell?

So force customers to pay for it even if they don’t want the feature? How is that a better option? What you’re saying is make it more expensive for everyone.

Creating such features isn’t free. Why should they be given away for free? I find it perfectly acceptable that I as a customer can choose not to pay for features I wouldn’t want in the first place. It’s a bit different if this was about stuff like ABS, heated seats or electric windows.

It’s not like older vehicles came with those features enabled by default. On my 15 year old pickup you can’t have any of that even if you paid for it. I think this is not quite the same as other brands that are locking you out of features like heated seats.

Ironically GPT4 fails the turing test for having so wide knowledge about almost everything that you just know it’s not a human you’re talking to.

I’m literally sitting here waiting for the rest of my files to transfer so I can finally update my win7 gaming rig with… Ubuntu.

Yeah it might not matter but for people having issues with these pop-ups, that’s the most likely culpript

Disable all other adblockers, disable enhanced tracking protection for youtube.com in Firefox (shield icon in addres bar), remove your custom adblocking rules and update uBlock Origin manually atleast twice a day; settings > filter list > quick fixes > click the clock icon > click update. Alternatively you can also just purge catches and update all filters but that takes longer is is not necessary

Nope. This has been going on for months already. Nothing new here. There’s atleast three different kinds of pop-ups for adblock users and the same solution works for all of them.

The most comprehensive study of global climate inequality ever undertaken shows that this elite group, made up of 77 million people including billionaires, millionaires and those paid more than US$140,000 (£112,500) a year, accounted for 16% of all CO2 emissions in 2019

So while this obviously also includes billionaires, this group still mostly consists of wealthy upper-middle class. So in other words; people that can afford a house, two cars and few trips abroad per year generate more carbon emissions than the ones that can’t. Shocker.

OP most likely is not following the instructions laid out at the uBlock subreddit. Probably a conflict with another adblocker.

It’s actually just the display backlight which is why I had to cover it with aluminium tape instead of just disconnecting the wire. Not only don’t I want an ad on my computer I especially don’t want an illuminated one.

I use this app for it. Even adds the correct artist, title, album and such to the file aswell. I tried several similar apps but this was by far the best.