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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


I was reading the blog post by the casino’s tech person and kept thinking to myself, “this is a casino; they may not be the most reliable narrator”. That said, CF was also stupid slow on taking down kiwi and stormfront, so they’re not great either.

Both of them suck and this whole thing is amusing to me. Hopefully this will serve to improve CF’s behaviour.

Ho hoo, that isn’t smoke, it’s steam, from the steamed rams we’re having! Mmm, steamed rams.

If it’s on the screen, it’s production ready

“I gave you a PNG, why can’t you just make it work?”

I could, good point. I do disable plugins for clients so they can’t beat up their own website too much.

Still, there are legitimate uses for opening a site in a new tab; e.g. when it’s an external website. I don’t think I should automate that, since there’s a granularity in there.

I maintain a couple of Wordpress installations for clients, where new link targets are the same page, as you’d expect.

They still, somehow, manually check “link opens in new tab”. I don’t know why some of these boomers are allowed to use computers, I swear.

the person saying “I hate it when editors do it” is really not understanding why this is a feature and not a bug.

No, I get that it’s not a bug. I just don’t like it, personally, and want to be able to turn it off. Don’t know where read that I thought it was a bug.

I mean, I don’t like it, and I’m kinda fine with it being the default if most of the people want it. I just think we should be able to turn it off.


This reminds me of text editor that leave half a screen of ‘wiggle room’ when scrolling down. Absolutely hate it, and if I can’t turn it off, I won’t use the text editor.

I just want WebKit for windows :(

It has a bunch of fine browsers on Linux, why isn’t there a decent GTK port for windows?

One that I haven’t seen here is Operator Mono. I use it everywhere I need monospaced fonts. It’s paid, but since I don’t need another font ever, it’s worth it.