• 10 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 13, 2023


In 1970 I was one of the three recorded cases of scurvy in Canada. I was young poor and very often hungry. The doctor I finally saw was incredulous. I was the first case of scurvy he had ever seen. He gave me a prescription and told me to go buy some oranges. I told him I had no money for either so he bought me the prescription and the oranges out of his own pocket. I have been forever thankful.

If you want trump policies in BC this simpleton is your guy. He very much seems anti-vax, climate change denial, and possibly even flat earther. You know he will be for private health care, against abortion, pro private religious schools and pro trickle down economics…

The only cure for traffic is cheap available mass transit of some sort. Trains, busses, whatever… Mass transit is the answer.

Leftist extremists??? More likely someone he treated badly in high school finally hitting back.

Most of the media are owned by alt-right fascists. This might have a lot to do with it.

Canadian trump supporters or conservatives as they call themselves are misogynists, white supremacists, fascists, racists and assholes. They are led by a pathetic mediocre man who wants trump’s project 2025 in Canada. I would like to see our next PM decided by cage match, winner take all.

I believe that his own words and actions are what is tying him to trump. He supports all the same causes and spouts all the same rhetoric, shakes all the same hands… He has created a “base” comprised of racists, white supremacists, fascists, misogynists and assholes. He is supported by rebel media an alt-right organization… I mean you could search for all of this…

Telecommunication has become an essential service. Since it is an essential service it should be provided to the taxpayer at the lowest possible cost and be paid by a fair taxation program. All things essential should NOT be putting money into the hands of the private sector. The government who works for us should be providing all our essentials, food, water, clean air, communication, transportation, education, health care, etc… as cheaply as possible. The private sector can be in charge of things that are not essential such as alcohol and drugs, makeup and fashion…

If you want trump’s project 2025 in Canada Squinty McProudBoy is the way there. The harper toadie is the candidate because he is a harper toadie. #Canada #SquintyMcProudBoy #BitcoinMilhouse #trumpLite #skinnytrump

If you are going to make alcohol consumption a bar to a liver transplant without making alcohol illegal you should all go fuck yourselves. You had a drink and you should die should not be a thing.

Canada is not broken.
The conservative party of Canada is broken. They have essentially become the Canadian trump party. #Canada #SquintyMcProudBoy #HarperMinion #WorstCPCleaderYet #NoPlan #AntiChoice #FreedumbClownvoy #BaseOfRacists

I am confused which one is the fascist and which one is the nazi?

Why is everyone moving to the trump side of things? It seems counterproductive.

I got my last shot in April so I am expecting my next in October. I have had 8 so far and they have been about 6 months apart.

You were only 1300 votes away from an NDP government.

Even dullboy o’toole had more charisma than Squinty McProudBoy. Squinty’s claim to fame is his “base” of racists, misogynists, white supremacists and assholes.

If you hate women, like privatized healthcare, and think trump is a great guy then you might be a member of the Canadian conservative party.

Were any drag queens involved? NO? Were any christian clergy involved? Yes of course. ???

Reading the same article with different life experiences may explain your confusion.

Perhaps cancel all religious activities until the religious leaders stop raping children. Also lifetime jail sentences for any religious fucktard that rapes kids.

He was part of the harper government that wanted to raise the retirement age. NEVER FORGET THIS. Also it would be like having trump as PM.

I suppose that anyone that cannot see the similarities between Squinty McProudBoy and trump will be voting for Squinty McProudBoy and his base of white supremacists, fascists, racists, misogynists and assholes.

There is an efficient number of workers to do any task. I am not saying that this will ever even be considered, but this is the answer. Match the workers to the task. Sadly this will be vetoed by any CEO as they all seem incapable of using common sense.

Well I am sure that a city known for failing will have definitely gotten everything right this time. Go ask anyone near Woodland Park how well their sewage treatment works… Hint: it doesn’t.

Security Clearance
Should anyone be allowed to run for Prime Minister of Canada if they do not have a security clearance??? I say no as it is impossible for them to even discuss many important things and they do not know the facts. #Canada #cpc #SquintyMcProudBoy

poilievre’s “base” that he is so proud of are often described as far right extremists.

He gave meat to women’s shelters that was from other humans. I hope he suffers horribly for a few weeks then dies.

Since the 60s I have been proclaiming that it should be very difficult to get married and very simple to get divorced. I will die on this hill.

You are governed by trump in a dress and you chose this. How kenney was not a warning is beyond belief.

Whatever trump would do poilievre would do. He has assembled a “base” of racists, misogynists, white supremacists, fascists, nazis and assholes. If you are expecting anything good from this mashup you are an idiot.

We want the same penalties for everyone who commits a crime. It should never matter what the criminals job is nor how much money they make. The same penalties should apply to EVERYONE!!!

So you take an empty office tower. Make the first two floors shops and services and the remaining floors housing and voila you have in instant walkable community.


Stuff like this and the "base" he has created give off pretty harsh trump vibes. Here is a link confirming for those wanting one. Sorry I did not include it originally. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.712106

Security Clearance for pierre poilievre.
So is he refusing to get a security clearance, or is he incapable of obtaining one? If the latter he should be disqualified from running for office.

Why won’t the leader of the CPC get a security clearance???
Why does the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada refuse to get a security clearance to see classified documents. He is the first to scream about being left out, but this is entirely up to him. I suspect there is something that would prevent him from getting a security clearance and he does not want us to know. Or perhaps he is under the control of a foreign power..... #Canada #SquintyMcProudBoy

Is this what Canada needs?
If donnie trump, lauren boebert, marjorie taylor greene, matt gaetz, ron desantis and greg abbott were in Canada they would be running for the CPC. The people in Canada actually running for the CPC are exactly like this.

Pro Choice options…
I think we should set up abortion clinics at every Canada/Us border crossing. This could be a real money maker.

AI generated political ads should be illegal.
Until AI is allowed to vote perhaps they sit the fuck down.

Row Houses
In Britain after WWII there was a severe housing shortage and the solution they came up with was "row houses" basically large apartment blocks. The genius part of this was along with this you also got an allotment. A small parcel of land where you could garden and enjoy the outdoors.